
来源 :法学探索.贵州省政法管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jimmyreagan
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1991年4月公布施行的民事诉讼法,在民事诉讼法(试行)的基础上,对民事诉讼中的调解作了重要的修改和补充。本文拟根据民事诉讼法中有关调解方面的规定,结合司法实践中的问题,就确定自愿合法调解原则的必要性、调解在民事诉讼中的地位和作用以及在实践中搞好诉讼调解应注意的问题作一初步探讨。 一 民事诉讼中的调解,是指当事人双方在人民法院的主持下,根据自愿和合法的原则,在查清事实、分清是非的基础上,自愿协商、达成协议的一种诉讼活动和结案方式。 所谓自愿,是指是否进行调解,开始调解后是否坚持调解以及是否自愿达成调解协议,都必须由双方当事人完全自愿,审判人员不得以任何形式强迫进行。所谓合法,一是指达成的协议内容必须合法,不得违反法律、政策的规定,不得违背社会公德,不得损害国家,集体和他人的利益,也不得显失公平。二是指调解的程序合法。如调解前必须告知当事人的诉讼权利;调解必须在查清事实后才能进行,等等。 In April 1991, the civil procedure law promulgated was promulgated. On the basis of the Civil Procedure Law (Trial Implementation), the mediation in civil litigation was amended and supplemented. This paper intends to determine the need for the principle of voluntary and consensual mediation, the status and role of mediation in civil litigation and the need to pay attention to the mediation of litigation in practice according to the provisions on mediation in civil procedure law and the problems in judicial practice A preliminary discussion of the problem. A mediation in a civil lawsuit refers to a litigation activity and a settlement method of voluntariness and agreement reached by both parties under the auspices of the people’s court under voluntary and lawful principles and on the basis of ascertaining the facts and distinguishing right from wrong. The so-called voluntary means that whether the mediation is carried out, whether the mediation should be insisted upon after the mediation is started and whether the mediation agreement should be voluntarily agreed upon must be completely voluntary by both parties and the trial personnel shall not be forced into any form. The so-called legal one means that the agreement reached must be lawful, not be in violation of the provisions of laws and policies, be in violation of social morality, not be detrimental to the interests of the state, the collective and others, or be unfairly unfair. Second, the mediation process is legal. Such as the mediation must inform the parties before the litigation rights; mediation must be found after the facts, and so on.
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