
来源 :吉林医科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cstmddn
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一九七四年九月,七二级的两位工农兵学员毕业实习来到了哲盟地区一个大队。他们怀着一颗“全心全意为贫下中农服务”的火热的心,在大队赤脚医生的配合下积极地开展防病、治病工作。当他们发现该队儿童肠蛔虫症、胆道蛔虫症很多时,就决心对大队小学的儿童进行了一次蛔虫症的调查。不需要领导事先布置,两个人主动、自觉地向公社借来一台显微镜,起早贪黑地检查了133名学生的粪便,发现蛔虫卵阳性率是100%;又根据腹痛特点、腹部索条状物、巩膜兰斑及既往有胆道蛔虫症的历史等判定另30名学生也可能有肠蛔虫症。检查完毕后,又给学生们服用“驱虫净”。结果,146名服药的同学中有136名排出了蛔虫,排出30条以上者有51人,最多者排出97条,他们一一作了调查统计。本文就是他们这次防治工作的总结。文章有分析,有自己的观点,还提出了有关农村卫生工作的建议,写得很好,反映了我们的工农兵学员已经具备了一定的独立工作与分析问题、解决问题的能力。 In September 1974, two practitioners of the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers of the Seventy-two level graduated in an internship and came to a brigade in the Zhe-Meng area. With the fiery heart of “serving the poor middle peasants wholeheartedly,” they actively carried out disease prevention and treatment work with the cooperation of barefoot doctors. When they found that the group of children intestinal Ascariasis, biliary ascariasis many times, determined to Brigade primary school children roundworm disease investigation. Without prior arrangement by the leaders, the two men took the initiative to voluntarily borrow a microscope from the commune and checked the stool of 133 students from morning till night. The positive rate of roundworm eggs was 100%. According to the abdominal pain characteristics, Scleral plaque and past history of biliary ascariasis and other judgments The other 30 students may also have intestinal roundworm disease. After checking, give the students to take “deworming net.” As a result, 136 out of 146 students discharged ascariasis, 51 were discharged more than 30, the largest number of 97, they were surveyed one by one. This article is a summary of their prevention work. The article analyzes, has its own point of view, also put forward suggestions on rural health work, well written, reflecting our workers, peasants and soldiers have been able to have some independent work and analysis of the problem, the ability to solve the problem.
她广征博采,吸取戏剧传统之精华;刻意创新,开豫剧唱腔改革之先河。她向国家向人民捐飞机、捐钱捐物,向豫剧事业捐赠了毕生的心血……她的人生就是一部“捐赠”史 Her extens
电影《邓小平》已经开拍三个多月了,这三个多月来我的心情始终没有平静。 我认为拍摄《邓小平》已经不是我们摄制组和我个人的任务,它已是全国人民的乃至全界人民的一种愿望