Cities and Methods from Complexity Science

来源 :Journal of Systems Science & Complexity | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuluzy
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The dynamics of human society is now been studying in the context of the artificial environment created by cities. In this work, the authors describe some of the formal methods used in complexity science to study urban systems. The authors discuss some of the important quantitative approaches on cities paying attention to some of the deepest controversies in present scientific studies.The authors will stress the importance of a transdisciplinary approach when studying this type of cooperative social environments. The dynamics of human society is now been studying in the context of the artificial environment created by cities. In this work, the authors describe some of the formal methods used in complexity science to study urban systems. The authors discuss some of the important quantitative approaches on markets paying attention to some of the deepest controversies in present scientific studies. authors will stress the importance of a transdisciplinary approach when studying this type of cooperative social environments.
本刊讯 近日,市委常委、副市长付大为率队拜会省科技厅副厅长景世刚和省科技厅农村处、农村科技发展中心负责人,特别就内江国家农业科技园区复核验收、建设创新型县(市)、创
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