,Preparation and in vitro cytotoxicity study of poly (aspartic acid) stabilized magnetic nanoparticl

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During the experiment of preparing ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) nanopowder,a new complex salt crystal K3[InCl6] was found and synthesized using a solution growth meth
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<正> 1985年3月10日,中山大学北京校友会在首都举行孙中山学说恳谈会,纪念伟大的中国民主革命的先行者孙中山先生逝世六十周年。校友会会长、全国侨联副主席连贯,校友会孙中山学说研究会会长、人类学家杨成志到会讲话。会议收到论文十四篇,十多万字,内容涉及孙中山思想和活动的各个方面。其中,李国荣的论文分析了1911年孙
The Pt-Sr(Zr1-xYx)O3-δ-Ti02 (Pt-SZYT) heterojunction photocatalysts were prepared by a photodepo-sition method. The composite particles were characterized by X
A series of segmented poly(L-lactide)-polyurethanes (PLA-Pus) were synthesized by a two-step method, with oligo-poly(L-lactide) (PLA) as the soft segments and t
The applications of scanning probe microscopy(SPM)in intrinsically conducting polymer research is briefly reviewed,including morphology observation,nanofabricat
绿玉树是一种多用途的植物,也是潜力巨大的能源植物之一,具有非常大的开发价值。而种苗快速繁殖,是绿玉树开发的前提。本试验研究了绿玉树组织培养繁殖和扦插繁殖两种繁殖方式,得到了以下结论:1.组织培养繁殖:采外植体的最佳时间为11月份的晴天的午后14:00-15:00;最佳部位为当年生茎段腋芽;最佳消毒处理为用无菌水稀释200倍的消佳净溶液冲洗1 min,再用75%酒精处理30s后,用0.1%的HgC1