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在大家的感觉中似乎沉静了许久的金长城公司,今年初提出要把总代理从繁重的事务性操作中脱离出来,合作方式由具体事务型转变为策略型。记者4月中旬有幸采访了金长城电脑销售总监司练国。司练国开门见山,直入主题。他把长城比作清澈的水源,通过丰富的渠道,快速直接地流到用户的田里。因此,金长城渠道有两个出发点:缩短时空及与地域特色相结合,以充分保护用户的投资。为此,金长城重组 Gold Great Wall, which seemed quiet for a long time to everyone’s feeling, earlier this year proposed that the general agent should be separated from the heavy-duty transactional operation and the mode of cooperation should be changed from a specific transactional type to a strategic type. Reporters in mid-April fortunate enough to interview the Great Wall Computer Sales Director Lian Nguyen. Secretary practicing the country straight to the point, straight into the theme. He compared the Great Wall as a clear source of water, flowing rapidly and directly to the user’s field through rich channels. Therefore, the Golden Great Wall channel has two starting points: to shorten the space and time and with the combination of geographical features in order to fully protect the user’s investment. To this end, the Great Wall reorganization
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今日科学技术的辉煌是数百年来无数科学家、发明家们所造就的。但是由于科技发展速度非常之快,要想找出最近15年中对 IT 业发展最有影响的人物是一件非常富有挑战性的工作。
Without considering the effects of alloying interaction on the Jominy end-quench curves, the prediction results obtained by YU Bai-hai′s nonlinear equation met
Adaptec 公司发布了 Trident Ⅱ(型号为 AIC-7899)新品芯片,这是截止到目前业界第一款全面应用64位/66MHz PCI总线的双通道 Ultra 160/m SCSI ASIC 芯片,其传输速度可达320M
康柏公司的服务业务今年将会重点集中在“关怀服务包”(CarePaq)上。其最大特点就是可选择性,它有超过15项的服务组合,内容涵盖 Windows NT 和 BackOffice产品的安装和启动
一、引论类比推理 (简称类推 )是被广泛运用的逻辑思维形式、思维方法和认知技能。作为人类交际工具之一的语言 ,同样存在类推现象 ,语言类推是人们类比推理这种思维方式在语