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The authorities seem hell-bent on resurrecting Confucius as a symbol of national unity and wisdom, but this isn’t the first time the old sage has returned. At the turn of the century, questions about the direction of the nation hinged on loving(or hating) Confucius. The authorities seem hell-bent on resurrecting Confucius as a symbol of national unity and wisdom, but this is not the first time the old sage has returned. At the turn of the century, questions about the direction of the nation hinged on loving ( or hating) Confucius.
At last,Chinese sci-fi geeks can take pride in the fact a Chinese author has netted science fiction’s most coveted award,the Hugo Award,thanks to the brillianc
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It’s hardly rare to hear that unclaimed properties are often“handed to the state treasury”.But,you may have noticed recently that folks around you have been
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According to Einstein’s theory of relativity,it shouldn’t Impossible.It’s called quantum teleportation,and it sounds like the stuff of science fiction—using