中坚力量 英特尔P55主板专题

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前不久,我有幸成为《个人电脑》编辑部第一位用上i7台式机的人,各界人士纷纷发来贺电,当然,其中也不乏醋意横飞者。多年的IT从业经验让我们在面对任何新鲜事物时都保持着平和的心态,采购决策的主导力量永远是“理智”二字,所以大家桌面上的办公用机大多都停留在两三年前的水平上。就我个人而言,长久以来伴我左右的Thinkpad T43在过去的三年里付出了太多太多,随着业务的增长和应用强度的提升,那颗老迈的Dothan处理器已经疲态尽显。但由于处理器封装规格所限,我并不能通过更换笔记本处理器来达到解决问题的目的,因此不得不另辟蹊径。这台Core i7-920+ASUS P6T Deluxe台式机在今后的日子里会成为我的主要办公工具,而Thinkpad T43则承担起客户沟通平台的重任。享受着i7平台“零响应时间”的效率和呼啸的散热风扇,我提笔写下上面的文字,脑海中却浮现起另一个问题:如何计划自己的PC平台才算是健康的? Not long ago, I was fortunate enough to be the first person on the i7 desktop in the “PC” editorial department. People from all walks of life sent congratulatory telegrams. Of course, there was no shortage of jealousy. Years of experience in the IT industry so that we face in the face of any new things have maintained a calm state of mind, the dominant force in procurement decisions will always be “reason ” word, so most of our desktop office machines are stuck in two or three Year ago level. Personally, the Thinkpad T43, which has been with me for a long time, has paid too much in the past three years. As the business grows and the application strength increases, the aging Dothan processor has been exhausted . However, due to processor packaging specifications, I can not solve the problem by replacing the notebook processor, so I have to find another way. The Core i7-920 + ASUS P6T Deluxe desktop will be my main office tool in the coming days, while the Thinkpad T43 takes on the task of communicating with the customer. Enjoy the i7 platform “zero response time ” efficiency and roaring cooling fan, I put the pen to write the above text, my mind has emerged from another question: how to plan their own PC platform is considered healthy?
据7月份《日本木材报告》(JLR)报道,由于美国住宅产业不景气导致木材市场低迷,致使2009年1季度加拿大木材产量大幅下跌。 According to July’s Japan Wood Report (JLR), d
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