
来源 :内蒙古农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:RTTR123
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野生大豆也是豆科大豆属的一种植物。它的结瘤特性与栽培大豆有所不同,是作为育种材料的优良种质资源。为了探索野生大豆根瘤的特点,为今后开展野生大豆根瘤类型的选择及利用其进行固氮育种工作做准备,1984年我们对内蒙不同地区的几种野生大豆类型,通过田间种植,对它们的根瘤和根瘤发生动态作了些初步观察。现小结如下。 Wild soybean is also a leguminous plant. Its nodulation characteristics are different from those of cultivated soybean and are excellent germplasm resources for breeding materials. In order to explore the characteristics of wild soybean nodules and to prepare for the future selection of the types of wild soybean nodules and their use for nitrogen fixation breeding work, we conducted a survey on several wild soybean types in different regions of Inner Mongolia in 1984 through field planting, Nodules dynamic made some preliminary observations. Now summarized as follows.
INTRODUCTIONrnIn adult bone, bone remodeling maintains structural integrity via the clearance and repair of damaged bone and regulates mineral homeostasis.1–2
INTRODUCTIONrnOsteoporosis is a disease defined by low bone density and disruption of the bone architecture resulting in fragility and fractures.1 Hereditary fo
什么是风口浪尖?这就是风口浪尖!全景俯拍,刻意展现孤舟一叶在惊波怒涛中的势单力薄;相对较慢的快门,又彰显出暗流涌动、浊浪排空的态势。 What is the cusp? This is the c
INTRODUCTIONrnBreast cancer is one of the most prevalent malignancies in women worldwide.1 Despite the recent advances in the development of anti-cancer therape
INTRODUCTIONrnBone is continuously being turned over and repaired throughout life. This occurs through a process called bone remodeling, consisting of a tight c
扦插繁殖:以4—5月进行为好。插穗选取1~2年生半木质化嫩枝为佳,插穗长12~18cm,剪除中部以下枝叶,上端部枝叶过于茂密可适当疏剪,插深为1~3cm。苗床地宜选地 Cutting propagati
INTRODUCTIONrnOsteoporosis is the most common metabolic bone disorder globally, causing low trauma fractures that lead to significant morbidity and mortality. E