坚守精神高地 实现找矿突破 浙江省第七地质大队献身地质事业受表彰

来源 :丽水市人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luoxing1984
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9月1日,省委和国土资源部在杭隆重召开命名大会,分别授予省第七地质大队党委“地勘先锋”和省第七地质大队“全国模范地质队”荣誉称号。中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理李克强对省第七地质大队的先进事迹作出批示。他指出,浙江省第七地质大队几代员工牢记使命,献身事业,开拓创新,取得突出成绩。浙江省第七地质大队主要承担丽水市1.73万平方公里面积的地质普查勘探任务,是浙江省矿产勘查的主力军之一。52年来,七大队坚持“以 On September 1, the provincial party committee and the Ministry of Land and Resources held a naming convention in Hangzhou to award the honorary title of the party committee of the Seventh Geological Brigade of the Province and the Geological Prospect of the Geological Prospect and the Seventh Geological Brigade of the Province. Li Keqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, issued a directive on the advanced deeds of the Seventh National Geological Brigade. He pointed out that several generations of employees of the Seventh Geological Brigade in Zhejiang Province have kept their mission firmly devoted to their cause, pioneering and innovative, and achieved outstanding results. The seventh geological brigade in Zhejiang Province mainly undertakes the geological census and exploration task for the area of ​​Lanshui City of 17,300 square kilometers and is one of the main forces of mineral prospecting in Zhejiang Province. 52 years, the seven brigade insisted ”to
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