Trace elements and rare earth elements in wet deposition of Lijiang, Mr.Yulong region, southeastern

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuhaolf
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In order to investigate the compositions and wet deposition fluxes of trace elements and rare earth elements (REEs) in the precipitation of the southeast edge of the Tibetan Plateau,38 precipitation samples were collected from March to August in 2012 in an urban site of Lijiang city in the Mr.Yulong region.The concentrations of most trace elements and REEs were higher during the non-monsoon season than during the monsoon season,indicating that the lower concentrations of trace elements and REEs observed during monsoon had been influenced by the dilution effect of increased precipitation.The concentrations of trace elements in the precipitation of Lijiang city were slightly higher than those observed in remote sites of the Tibetan Plateau but much lower than those observed in the metropolises of China,indicating that the atmospheric environment of Lijiang ciry was less influenced by anthropogenic emissions,and,as a consequence,the air quality was still relatively good.However,the results of enrichment factor and principal component analysis revealed that some anthropogenic activities (e.g.,the increasing traffic emissions from the rapid development of tourism) were most likely important contributors to trace elements,while the regional/local crustal sources rather than anthropogenic activities were the predominant contributors to the REEs in the wet deposition of Lijiang city.Our study was relevant not only for assessing the current status of the atmospheric environment in the Mt.Yulong region,but also for specific management actions to be implemented for the control of atmospheric inputs and the health of the environment for the future.
摘 要:造林地的整理是在造林前改善环境条件的一道主要工序。通过整地可以改善造林的立地条件、清除灌木、杂草和采伐剩余物。在造林前后的一段时间里,增加直接投射到地面的透光度;还可以改变小地形,使透光度增加或减少。整地清除了地表植被,增加透光度,因而在白天地表层的温度要比有植被覆盖时上升得快,整地后改变了土壤物理性,使土壤温度状况发生变化。因而,能提高造林成活率及使幼林的生长情况显著改善。整地还能保持