
来源 :中国解剖与临床 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jwpvinson
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创伤救治和缺损修复中,血管有关的基础研究占有重要的份量。在以往的研究文献中,血管外科解剖学的资料也较为丰富。引入显微外科技术以后,对血管分支分布规律,已经总结出不少为人们所共识,带有共性的外科处理原则。我们在采用血管铸型和实验研究基础上,发现了不少带有个性的血管分布特点。本文拟将对血管外科有临床意义的解剖学特点加以分析,提示外科医师加以重视,以便有针对性地创新和改进临床处理原则。 Vascular-related basic research holds an important role in trauma and defect repair. In the previous research literature, the information of vascular surgery anatomy is also more abundant. After the introduction of microsurgical techniques, the distribution of vascular branches has been concluded that many people agreed that with the principle of surgical treatment. We use the blood vessel mold and experimental research based on the discovery of a number of personalized blood vessels with features. This article intends to analyze the anatomical features of vascular surgery clinically meaningful, suggesting that surgeons should pay attention to in order to innovate and improve the principles of clinical treatment.
一、偿付形式的分类与利弊分析 医疗保险部门向医院偿付费用的形式可按偿付时间、限价与否、服务范围、疾病种类分为四类;按偿付时间可分为预付、即时、后付三种;按限价与否
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如果您已为人父母,那么,您对孩子最大的祝愿是什么?恐怕,十有八、九的回答是:平安、健康! 也许,血淋淋的事故太残酷了,我们,从未如此地为我们孩子的安全问题牵肠挂肚! 好在,有关部
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