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以CFD计算为分析工具,在6马赫飞行速度、0°飞行攻角和30km飞行高度的设计条件下,综合分析了23种源自不同锥体流场所获乘波体的性能.分析结果表明,基本锥体的截面形状及截面宽高比均对乘波体性能有较大影响;当基本锥体的宽高比变化时,相应乘波体几何参数和升力系数的变化基本与之呈正比关系,而阻力系数及升阻比则出现极值.此外,我们发现在此飞行状态下,综合考虑乘波体底部阻力及计算误差等因素,当基本锥体为椭圆锥,且截面椭圆宽高比在1.5~1.618时,所获得的乘波体具有最大的升阻比;而当截面椭圆宽高比约为1:1.5时,所获得乘波体阻力最小.依据所得的计算结果,对于乘波飞行器的实际设计给出了相应的建议. Based on the CFD calculation tool, the performance of 23 wave multipliers derived from different pyramidal flow fields was analyzed under the design conditions of 6 Mach flight speed, 0 ° flight attack angle and 30 km flight altitude. The analysis results show that , The basic cone cross-sectional shape and cross-section aspect ratio have a greater impact on multipath performance; when the basic cone of the aspect ratio changes, the corresponding multiplier body geometry parameters and lift coefficient changes in direct proportion with it Relationship, and the resistance coefficient and the ratio of lift to resistance is the extreme value.Furthermore, we find that under this flight condition, considering the bottom body resistance and calculation error and other factors, when the basic cone is an elliptical cone and the cross section is oval wide and high When the aspect ratio of ellipsoid is about 1: 1.5, the resistance of the multiplied wave body obtained is the smallest. Based on the calculated results, The actual design of the wave aircraft gives the corresponding recommendations.
患者男性,37岁。反复右上腹痛10余年,外院胃镜提示胃息肉及十二指肠溃疡。入院后胃镜示胃体上部前壁见大小1 cm×1 cm黏膜隆起,表面充血、有蒂,圈套器套住基底部完整切除,周
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