广东省惠来商会举行2016年会 共商发展大计

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(本刊讯)11月12日,惠来县经济合作洽谈会暨广东省惠来商会2016年会在广州市颐和国际会议中心隆重举行,惠来县有关领导、海内外兄弟商会、社会各界嘉宾以及广东省惠来商会近800人欢聚一堂,共商惠来经济社会发展与商会发展大计。据介绍,广东省惠来商会遵循“行商、行善、行德”的办会方向,努力把该商会建设成一个创新型、充满生机活力和可持续发展的商会。该商会以会员为中心,为全体会员搭建国内国际商务平台,共谋商机,共促发展。 (Ben Kanxun) On November 12, the Huilai County Economic Cooperation Fair and the Guangdong Province Hui Lai Chamber of Commerce 2016 were held ceremoniously at the Yihe International Convention Center in Guangzhou. Relevant leaders from Huilai County, brothers and chambers of commerce both at home and abroad, Honored guests and nearly 800 people from Huilai Chamber of Commerce of Guangdong Province gathered together to discuss benefits to economic and social development and the development plan of the chamber of commerce. According to reports, the Hui-Hui Chamber of Commerce in Guangdong follows the principle of “doing business, doing good and doing virtues” and tries hard to build it into an innovative, dynamic and sustainable chamber of commerce. The chamber of commerce to members as the center for all members to build domestic and international business platform, seek common business opportunities, and promote development.
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