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中熟高产抗病新品种鲁玉12号鲁玉12号是山东省农科院原子能所以新选系鲁原133作母本,8112作父本杂交育成的玉米新杂交种,1993年由山东省农作物品种审定委员会审定命名。鲁玉12号是一个中熟、高产、稳产的杂交种,经1989~1992四年各级多点试验... A new variety of high yield and disease resistance in middle-aged high-yield Luyu12 on the 12th is the Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences Atomic Energy so the new selection of Luyuan 133 as the female parent, 8112 for the male parent new maize hybrids hybrid in 1993 by the Shandong Province Crop Variety Approval Committee naming. Luyu No. 12 is a medium-maturing, high yield, stable yield of hybrids, by 1989 ~ 1992 four years of multi-point test at all levels ...
Dynamic changes of the post-translational O-GlcNAc modification (O-GlcNAcylation) are controlled by O-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) transferase (OGT)
Human monocyte is an important cell type which is involved in various complex human diseases.To better understand the biology of human monocytes and facilitate
The innate immune system is critical for clearing infection,and is tightly regulated to avert excessive tissue damage.Nod1/2-Rip2 signaling,which is essential f