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1979年5月,红线女领衔的广东粤剧团一行60人赴香港、澳门演出。这是改革开放以后我国第一个出境公演的商业性演出团体。此次演出不仅收到了良好的社会效果,还获得30多万港元的演出报酬,在文艺界引起了强烈反响。事后,承办单位中国对外演出公司写了一份简报。时任中央政治局委员、中央秘书长兼中宣部部长的胡耀邦在看到这份简报后于8月23日批示道:“这是一个好消息,我赞成大干。既可以扩大影响,又可得到可观的外汇,只要精心筹划,一年去几十个演出团体我看也有可能,建议文化部与有关部门 In May 1979, a 60-member Guangdong Cantonese opera troupe led by the Red Line went to Hong Kong and Macao to perform. This is the first commercial performance group to go abroad after the reform and opening up. The show not only received good social effects, but also received more than 300,000 Hong Kong dollar performance remuneration in the literature and art has aroused strong repercussions. Afterwards, undertaker China Performing Arts Company wrote a briefing. Hu Yaobang, then a member of the Politburo, central secretary general and minister of the Central Propaganda Department, observed on August 23 after seeing the briefing: ”This is good news and I am in favor of making a big move. But also get considerable foreign exchange, as long as careful planning, a year to dozens of performing groups I think it is possible, it is recommended that the Ministry of Culture and the relevant departments