
来源 :国外金属矿山 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:simple69
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本文介绍了位于奥克特迪(Ok Tedi)和米西马(Misima)的大型露天矿,还叙述了在那偏僻崎岖的地区建设高技术、高产量的金铜矿以及矿山经营和废石处理过程中遇到的社会经济问题。尽管有这些困难,但世界许多矿业公司都为开发这丰富的金、银和铜矿床提供了一流的矿山设施,包括大型露天矿、地下矿和选矿厂。巴布亚新几内亚是世界上生产金和铜的第六大国。到本世纪末之前还会有一些新工程项目投产,这将使其成为世界第三大产金国。矿业是这个国家最大的一项有组织的产业,雇佣职工1万多人。这些大型项目每年的投资超过10亿美元。物资、器材和人员的运输一直是这个只能靠空运连接的国家的主要问题。钻机必须用直升飞机和小型飞机空运翻山越岭和越过茂密的灌木丛林。一个世界级的金矿在第二次世界大战前就是靠直升飞机进行开采生产的。因为那时该国没有公路网,所以2000t挖金船的部件相当巧妙地空运进来并在现场组装,生产也主要是依靠空运来支持。最近,奥克特迪矿业有限公司(Ok Tedi Mining Ltd.)在西部省偏僻的斯塔山脉建设了一个大型露天矿,开采法比兰山的金铜矿床。矿区距印度尼西亚边界仅18km,那里原先是巴布亚新几内亚的一个孤立隔绝的原始地区。为了进入这个大型矿产地,在丛林中修筑了一个总长约200km的公路网和一个全新的城镇。矿山采用现代化的170t汽车和26m~3挖掘机,每年处理7000多万吨矿岩。由于修建这些基础设施,所以建矿的投资非常高。希望投资建矿的各采矿公司必须经过一个旷日持久的审批过程和多项谈判才能获得开采许可证。因为没有明文规定的土地所有权法,问题就很复杂。所以一旦一项大型矿山工程被批准,便使人们的期望上升到非常高的程度,于是各公司部必须同当地的土地所有者以及各省和中央政府洽谈一揽子的利益问题。一些国际采矿公司正在克服这些基础设施和社会政治问题,继续投入大量资金,通过采用现代化开采和加工技术。以使所有的矿床投入开发。本文对正在谈判中的未来的矿山工程项目作了概略介绍。 This article describes large open pit mines in Ok Tedi and Misima and describes the construction of high-tech, high-output gold-copper mines and mine operations and waste rock processing in the remote and rugged area Socio-economic problems encountered in the process. Despite these difficulties, many mining companies in the world have provided state-of-the-art mining facilities for the development of this rich gold, silver and copper deposit, including large open pit mines, underground mines and concentrators. Papua New Guinea is the sixth largest producer of gold and copper in the world. By the turn of the century there will be some new projects coming on-line that will make it the third-largest gold producer in the world. Mining is one of the largest organized industries in the country, employing more than 10,000 workers. These large projects invest more than $ 1 billion annually. The transport of supplies, equipment and personnel has been a major issue in this country, which can only be reached by air. Rigs must fly helicopters and small aircraft over mountains and over dense bush jungle. A world-class gold mine was mined by helicopter before World War II. Because at that time there was no road network in the country, parts of the 2000t digging gold ship came in quite skillfully by air and were assembled at the site. The production was mainly supported by air transport. Recently, Ok Tedi Mining Ltd. built a large open pit mine in the remote Staws of Western Province to exploit gold and copper deposits in the Fabian Mountains. The mine is only 18km from the Indonesian border, originally a isolated, isolated area in Papua New Guinea. In order to enter this large area of ​​mineral resources, a network of roads with a total length of about 200 km and a brand new town were built in the jungle. The mine uses a modern 170t car and 26m ~ 3 excavators, processing more than 70 million tons of ore per year. The construction investment is very high due to the construction of these infrastructures. Mining companies that want to invest in construction must go through a protracted approval process and several negotiations to obtain a mining permit. The problem is complicated by the absence of a land ownership law that is expressly provided for. So once a large-scale mining project is approved, people’s expectations rise to a very high level, so companies must negotiate a package of benefits with local landowners as well as provinces and central government. Some international mining companies are overcoming these infrastructure and socio-political issues and continue to invest heavily in the adoption of modern mining and processing technologies. So that all the deposits into development. This article gives an overview of the mine project under negotiation in the future.
目的:探讨电针不同频率刺激对脾虚气滞型功能性消化不良(Functional DyspepsiaFD)症状积分及尼平消化不良指数(NePean Dyspepsia Index,NDI)生活质量部分的影响,为电针治疗本病
目的:研究上肢洗伤方熏洗配合早期的肘关节康复功能锻炼对肱骨远端粉碎性骨折术后肘关节功能恢复的有效性,探讨本方药物的疗效及作用机理,更好的指导临床。   方法:本课题研
目的:通过文献整理和临床观察,探讨少腹逐瘀汤治疗原发性痛经的方证特点、适用体质,及其对原发性痛经患者生存质量的影响,为该方的深入研究和临床应用提供依据。   方法:文献
目的通过建立药物法致大鼠急性心肌缺血及急性心肌梗死模型,综合评价荭草苷(orientin,Ori)的抗心肌缺血药效,并初步探索其心血管系统保护作用机制,旨在为Ori的开发研究提供实验依据。方法分别建立垂体后叶素(posterior pituitary, Pit)致大鼠急性心肌缺血模型、异丙肾上腺素(isoproterenol, Iso)致大鼠急性心肌缺血模型和ISo致大鼠急性心肌梗死模型;采用多道
目的:观察中药烫熨加贴敷疗法治疗膝OA的有效性和安全性。   方法:对我科门诊或住院部的膝OA患者,严格筛选出合格受试者120例,按随机分组的原则,分为治疗组、模拟对照组,各60