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欧洲山芥是研究抗虫皂苷生物合成及植食昆虫与植物协同进化机制的理想模式植物,是极具开发潜力的十字花科植物。为加强欧洲山芥种质资源的研究利用,对保存于国家蔬菜种质资源中期库中引自欧洲的33份欧洲山芥种质和1份杂交材料进行了物候期观测、主要形态学性状测定和小菜蛾抗性鉴定。结果表明:多数材料的表型性状的差异较大,材料间现蕾期最早(BV13-BAR13)和最晚(BV13-BAR9)的2份材料相差达47 d;从始花期到末花期的天数分布在17~46 d之间,总体上花期较短;叶表光滑的种质居多;还发现4份角果抱茎的种质;极差和变异系数最大的性状是株高、角果长和花序长。34份材料中仅9份感小菜蛾,其他均具有很高的田间抗性。基于所有表型性状的聚类分析将34份欧洲山芥分为3个类群,抗虫和感虫材料分属不同的类群(F1、BV13-BAR8和BV13-BAR22除外),基本反映出各类群的亲缘关系。本研究结果将为欧洲山芥的遗传改良以及欧洲山芥种质资源在十字花科作物生产和育种上的应用提供基本依据。 European hill mustard is the ideal model plant for studying the biosynthesis of insect-resistant saponins and phytoplankton insects and plants, and is a very promising cruciferous plant. In order to strengthen the research and utilization of European Berberis germplasm resources, phenotypic observations were made on 33 European Berberis germplasm and one hybrid material, which were stored in the National Library of Vegetable Germplasm Resources, and the main morphological traits And diamondback moth resistance identification. The results showed that most of the materials had significant differences in phenotypic traits, and the difference between the materials with the earliest buds (BV13-BAR13) and the latest two materials (BV13-BAR9) was 47 days. The number of days from flowering to the end of flowering Distributed in the 17 ~ 46 d, the overall flowering period is short; the majority of smooth surface germplasm; also found 4 pod sheaths germplasm; range and maximum coefficient of variation of the traits are plant height, length of pod And inflorescence long. Of the 34 materials, only 9 were susceptible to Plutella xylostella, others were highly resistant to the field. Based on cluster analysis of all phenotypic traits, 34 European mountain mustards were divided into three groups, with insect- and insect-resistant material belonging to different groups (excluding F1, BV13-BAR8 and BV13-BAR22) Kinship. The results of this study will provide the basic evidence for the genetic improvement of European mustard and the application of European Berberis germplasm resources in the production and breeding of cruciferous crops.
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当前的A股已经度过了春日暖风、阵阵繁花似锦的“普济众生”期,进入到夏日强对流暴风雨阶段,其主要特征是“雨疏风骤,绿肥红瘦”。经过这一阵痛阶段并蓄积更多势能后,料将进入真正的牛市下半场,即“硕果累累”期。  端午前夕,沪指一周内从5100点之上深跌13%至4400多点,6月19日单日跌幅逾6%,盘面上千股跌停,呈现哀鸿遍野之状。不久前还在亢奋高歌的投资者不禁生出几多疑虑,这一轮牛市已“风流总被雨打风