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三师托云牧场位于喀拉昆仑山北端,天山南麓,西北与吉尔吉斯斯坦接壤,边境线绵延240公里,属于高寒山区,海拔高度为2147米至4391米。买买提江·塔塔依便生活在这里,任三师托云牧场卫生院院长。买买提江·塔塔依,是一名柯尔克孜族医生,从医16年来,工作上兢兢业业、任劳任怨、视病人为亲人,一年365天,他几乎没有休息日、没有节假日,每天至少接待30个病人,工作时间超过12个小时。托云牧场点多面广线长,他走遍了每一个 Three division Tuo Yun Ranch is located in the northern end of the Karakorum Mountains, Tianshan Mountains, northwest and Kyrgyzstan bordering the border line stretching 240 km, belonging to the alpine mountains, the altitude of 2147 meters to 4391 meters. Mati Buy Jiang Tata by living here, any three division care cloud pasture hospital dean. Mati Buya Tatayi, is a Kirgiz doctor, medical 16 years, work conscientiously, hard working, depending on the patient as his relatives, 365 days a year, he has almost no rest day, no holidays, at least 30 days a day reception A patient, working more than 12 hours. Tuoyun ranch point wide-faceted, he traveled every one
A wolf meeting with a lamb, who lost his way, decided not to lay violent hands on him, but to find some reason , which would prove that he should have the righ
The train was coming to the station and all the passen-gers stood up and were going to the entrance. Only Mrs Shute looked worried. She was look-ing for someth
Ms. Vasquez: Lori, this is Michelle Marais. She’s a newstudent at Kennedy. Lori will be your bucldy, Michelle. She’ll show you around and help you if you hav