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2001年,是中国人民欣逢盛事的一年,也是我国人才市场空前活跃的一年。翻阅报纸,“高薪诚聘”满目皆是;点击网站,人才信息扑面而来,人才从来没有像今天这样耀眼,人才的春天已经到来。人才市场迅猛发展2001年是中国的“人才年”,人才市场大事不断:1月13日,国家人事部在京举办新世纪人才交流暨西部开发大会;2月19日,党中央、国务院首次向中国科学院院士吴文俊和中国工程院院士袁隆平授予最高科学技术奖,并颁发500万元奖金;5月15日,APEC人力资源能力建设高峰会议在京召开,江泽民总书记提出了加强人力资源能力建设五点主张;9月16日,北京中高级人才市场在设施一流的北京人才大厦正式开业;9月19日,国家人事部与工商行政管理总局以一号令联合发布《人才市场 In 2001, the year was a year when the Chinese people enjoyed every occasion of their event, and they were also an unprecedented year for the talent market in our country. Read the newspaper, “high-paying employment,” everywhere; click on the site, talent information blowing, talent has never been as bright as today, the spring of talent has come. Rapid Development of the Talent Market 2001 was the “Year of Talents” in China. The major events in the talent market continued: On January 13, the Ministry of Personnel held the personnel exchange in the new century in western China and the conference for the development of the western region. On February 19, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council first made remarks to China Wu Wenjun, member of the Chinese Academy of Science, and Yuan Longping, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, awarded the highest science and technology award with a prize of 5 million yuan. On May 15, the APEC summit on human resources capacity building was held in Beijing. General Secretary Jiang Zemin put forward five proposals on strengthening the capacity building of human resources. On September 16, Beijing's high-level talent market was officially opened in the first-rate Beijing talent building. On September 19, the Ministry of Personnel and the State Administration of Industry and Commerce jointly issued the "Talent Market
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73年前的腊月二十八,日军大屠杀给潘家峪留下惨痛的记忆。3从1998年开始,北京市一个普通的教师赵玉英倾尽全力,宣传记录这段往事,谱写着一段新的爱国传奇。  潘家峪惨案发生73年之后,除了正在紧锣密鼓地运作对日索赔60亿之外,一些尘封已久的记忆也被唤醒。故乡的年轻后生也辗转找到我,希望我把当年搜集的笔记、资料整理出来,为当地发展红色旅游作些贡献。  潘家峪村,坐落于燕山山脉腰带山东麓,在河北省丰润
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