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一天,我做完作业后,便在阳台上翻我的“百宝箱”玩。我的这个“百宝箱”里什么东西都有:玩具、工具、被淘汰的电子产品……跟哆啦A梦的口袋也差不多啦。突然,我听见有人在敲门。爸爸开了门,原来是有人来抄水表了。老爸回屋打开了安装着水表的柜子,可是柜子太小了,老爸根本钻不进去,他只好向我求助:“儿子,来帮老爸看看水表读数!”我钻进柜子,好不容易才把读数看清楚了。任务虽然完成了,但总是这样看水表也太费劲了。要是我不在家,爸爸妈妈不就没办法看水表了吗? One day, after I finished my homework, I turned my “treasure chest ” to play on the balcony. Everything in my “treasure chest” includes: toys, tools, electronic gadgets to be eliminated ... and the pocket of Doraemon is about the same. Suddenly, I heard someone knocking at the door. Dad opened the door, it was someone to copy the water meter. Dad opened the house back to the water meter installed cabinets, but the cabinet is too small, the father did not drill into it, he had to ask for help: “son, to help my father look at the meter reading! ” I got into the cabinet Finally, read the reading clearly. Although the task is completed, but always look at the water meter is too strenuous. If I am not at home, my mom and dad will not be able to watch the meter anymore?
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结合唐钢2号高炉生产实践,通过对料面形状的判断,用装料制度进行料面形状的调节,从而实现优良的指标。 Combined with the production practice of No.2 blast furnace in T
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