Method to assess component contribution to toxicity of complex mixtures: Assessment of puberty acqui

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A method based on regression modeling was developed to discern the contribution of component chemicals to the toxicity of highly complex, environmentally realistic mixtures of disinfection byproducts(DBPs). Chemical disinfection of drinking water forms DBP mixtures.Because of concerns about possible reproductive and developmental toxicity, a whole mixture(WM) of DBPs produced by chlorination of a water concentrate was administered as drinking water to Sprague–Dawley(S–D) rats in a multigenerational study. Age of puberty acquisition,i.e., preputial separation(PPS) and vaginal opening(VO), was examined in male and female offspring, respectively. When compared to controls, a slight, but statistically significant delay in puberty acquisition was observed in females but not in males. WM-induced differences in the age at puberty acquisition were compared to those reported in S–D rats administered either a defined mixture(DM) of nine regulated DBPs or individual DBPs. Regression models were developed using individual animal data on age at PPS or VO from the DM study. Puberty acquisition data reported in the WM and individual DBP studies were then compared with the DM models. The delay in puberty acquisition observed in the WM-treated female rats could not be distinguished from delays predicted by the DM regression model, suggesting that the nine regulated DBPs in the DM might account for much of the delay observed in the WM. This method is applicable to mixtures of other types of chemicals and other endpoints. A method based on regression modeling was developed to discern the contribution of component chemicals to the toxicity of highly complex, able environmentally mixtures of disinfection by products (DBPs). Chemical disinfection of drinking water forms DBP mixtures. Failure of concerns about possible reproductive and developmental toxicity , a whole mixture (WM) of DBPs produced by chlorination of a water concentrate was administered as drinking water to Sprague-Dawley (S-D) rats in a multigenerational study. Age of puberty acquisition, ie, preputial separation (PPS) and vaginal opening (VO), was examined in male and female offspring, respectively. were compared to controls, a slight, but statistically significant delay in puberty acquisition was observed in females but not in males. WM-induced differences in the age at puberty acquisition were compared to those reported in S-D rats administered either a defined mixture (DM) of nine regulated DBPs or individual DBPs. Regression models were developed using individual animal data on age at PPS or VO from the DM study. Puberty acquisition data reported in the WM and individual DBP studies were then compared with the DM models. The delay in puberty acquisition observed in the WM-treated female rats could not be distinguished from delays predicted by the DM regression model, suggesting that the nine regulated DBPs in the DM might account for much of the delay observed in the WM. This method is applicable to mixtures of other types of chemicals and other endpoints.
文中介绍NetfilterLayer7-Filter模块,利用该组件克服传统防火墙的缺陷,并在局域网内实现QoS,从而在节约成本的基础上有效地利用网络带宽. This article introduces Netfilt
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近日,我国对植物奶油中富含反式脂肪酸的讨论格外热烈,笔者参考有关方面的内容,整理后愿与大家分享。    什么是反式脂肪酸    反式脂肪酸是不饱和脂肪酸的分子式,因氢原子的方位不同,因而分为两种结构:一种为顺式键结,另种则为反式键结。天然的不饱和脂肪酸几乎都是顺式键结,而人所能代谢的大多为顺式链结的脂肪。反式脂肪酸是一种人为加工植物油时产生的脂肪酸,自然界中几乎不存有,人也难以处理此类不饱和脂肪,
目的探讨预注射高渗盐水(7.5% NaCl)对老龄大鼠术后认知功能的影响。方法健康雄性SD大鼠60只,18月龄,体重450~500 g,采用随机数字表法,将其分为3组(n=20):对照组(C组)、模型组(M组)、高渗盐水组(HS组)。C组和HS组术前30 min尾静脉注射高渗盐水4 ml/kg,M组注射同容量生理盐水,M组和HS组吸入3%七氟醚麻醉后行脾脏切除术,C组仅吸入纯氧。分别于术前1 d,
从中医角度来说,春天的饮食是历代养生家都非常重视的事情。因为这个季节阳气生发、生机盎然,但也是各种病菌和微生物繁殖、复苏的季节,疾病很容易流行,合理的饮食可以提高人体免疫力,预防疾病发生。    多甘少酸是饮食原则    中医认为,春季与五脏中的肝脏相对应,很容易发生肝气过旺,对脾胃产生不良影响,妨碍食物正常消化吸收。甘味食物能滋补脾胃,而酸味入肝,其性收敛,多吃不利于春天阳气的生发和肝气的疏泄,
本草记载,牛奶体润、色白、气香、味甘、性温,能养胃、补气血,是营养佳品。然而临床发现,牛奶并非性温,而是性凉。  许多服用牛奶者,服后出现腹胀、大便不成形,舌苔白腻等脾虚湿重的症状。小儿服用牛奶者,往往出现头汗多(湿气)、腹胀、大便干、毛发干稀竖立等脾胃气虚的症状。而长期服用牛奶者,又以肥胖者居多,肥胖者,多为脾虚痰湿。  牛奶体润,善于养胃阴、补气血,其味甘气香,直入脾胃,若其性温,则既可以健脾
和暖的春风已然吹来,寒冷的冬季正渐渐离我们远去。冷暖季节的交替总会为我们的身体健康带来影响。如何才能调整好自己的身体来迎接新一年的春天呢?我查阅了一些资料,总结了一些小常识和朋友们在这里探讨一下:  春季是养生保健的最佳时节,春光明媚,生机盎然,吐故纳新,阳气生发。因此,春季养生要与充满活力的季节特点相适应,保持新陈代谢的平衡,使精神饱满,为一年的身体健康打好基础。  春季,天气回暖,草木复苏,人
编辑部:  我有个朋友被怀疑患有精神分裂症,但未确诊。请问怎样才能尽早发现这种病?    编辑部回复:  精神分裂症是一种发病率较高的重性致残性精神疾病,起病往往比较缓慢,早期症状比较隐蔽,常不易被家属和周围人发现,而早期识别精神分裂症,对于诊断、治疗、早日康复和改善预后都具有重要意义。那么,如何早期识别精神分裂症病人呢?    睡眠改变    精神病人的失眠与神经衰弱的失眠不同,精神病人的失眠无