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中国油画的教与学,从早期单一的教学,发展为教学、创作、创收三大任务了。如何在新的形势下适应这三大任务,如何将这三大任务辩证地处理好,这就是摆在当今中国油画特别是广州美术学院油画教学前的艰难课题。 教学与创作 在改革开放的十多年里,特别是近十年来,油画系基本上建成了一支能胜任油画教学的队伍,将上辈的教学承接了下来,创建和稳定了画室制,确立了以本科为主,发展研究生班的方针,本科生招生由中南五省扩展到了全国,率先在广州美术学院试行学分制的教学管理模式,同时为促进教师创作水平的提高,加强教学与社会的联系,创办并坚持了油画系双年展活动。 我们主张教学要有一定的规模,学生来源地域上的大跨度,它有利于文化基因构成的宽泛化,个人气质、异质文化的碰撞和交融。事实上,就以油画的教学本身而言,广泛选拔学生,大基础培育,宽进严出是科学的,教学的班级或画室要达到一定规模才能形成学习的竞争环境和思维火花的撞击场,也只有具备了这样的环境和场,油画的教与学才能共同向前滚动。 Teaching and learning Chinese oil painting, from the early single teaching, the development of teaching, creative, revenue-generating three tasks. How to adapt to these three major tasks in the new situation and how to deal with these three major tasks in a dialectical way is a difficult task for Chinese oil painting, especially for the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. Teaching and creation In the reform and opening up more than 10 years, especially in the past decade, the Department of Oil Painting has basically built a team capable of teaching oil painting, the older generation of teaching to undertake, to create and stabilize the studio system, established Undergraduate-oriented, the development of graduate classes, enrollment of undergraduate students from central and southern five provinces extended to the country, the first pilot in Guangzhou Academy of Arts credit system teaching management model, and to promote teachers’ creative level to enhance and strengthen the teaching and social ties , Founded and adhered to the Biennial of Oil Painting Department. We advocate that teaching should have a certain scale and a large span of geographical origin of students. It is conducive to the widening of the genetic composition of the culture, the personal temperament and the collision and blending of heterogeneous cultures. In fact, as far as oil painting teaching itself is concerned, it is necessary to select students extensively, cultivate students with a great foundation and make students more tolerant and lenient. If classes or studios of teaching are to reach a certain scale to form a learning environment and a spark of impact, Only with such an environment and field, painting teaching and learning together to scroll forward.
所周知,单位或集体的贷款被个人 挪作它用,可定之违法,有法可绳之;然而现实中,以私人(个人)的名义向金融机构取得贷款而用于单位或集体,称之为“私贷公用”,却无法定性。近期我们就此
【摘 要】随着各项改革的不断深化,新时期学校德育工作面临着新的挑战,笔者认为今后的德育工作要从多方面着手,突出得意的实效。也就是弘扬青少年思想道德建设的主旋律,突出德育工作的实效性;实现课内课外的联动,突出德育工作的实效性;拓宽德育工作的内容和形式,突出德育工作的实效性;注重养成教育,突出德育工作的实效性。  【关键词】学校;德育工作;突出;实效性  随着改革开放的不断深化和人民物质生活水平的不断
祖籍浙江宁波的李元先生是一位美籍华人,他出生于台湾,在美国受高等教育,学的是物理学专业。毕业后他在美国新泽西州罗格斯大学教授物理达30多年。 但谁能想到这位物理教授