Protecting Heritage

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sinbala
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China establishes a monitoring system to preserve world heritage-listed properties since the first batch of cultural and natural sites of China were inscribed on the UNESCO world heritage list in 1987,China now has 40 listed sites,ranking third in the world in terms of the number of listed sites. China establishment a monitoring system to preserve the world heritage-listed properties since the first batch of cultural and natural sites of China were inscribed on the UNESCO world heritage list in 1987, China now has 40 listed sites, ranking third in the world in terms of the number of listed sites.
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The first Chinese-hosted cultural dialogue between the East and the West was held in Nishan, Shandong Province The first Nishan Forum on World Civilizations kic
IN 2009 Beijing’s little theaters staged 3,200 performances,an increase of 1,000 productions over 2008,“said Fu Weibo,general manager of the Oriental Avant- G
有一种人,叫偶像,他们是你生活在这片茫茫大海中前进的导航灯。当你偏航时,他们引导你,帮助你,用爱包容你!——题记 There is a kind of people called idols. They are the
夜游枫泾作为典型的江南水乡古镇,枫泾以河多、桥多、寺庙多、里弄多而著称。镇区内河道纵横,形态各异的古桥梁共有52座之多,现存最古老的 Fengjing night as a typical sou
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The visit to India and Nepal by a CPAFFC cultural delegation led by Vice President Jing Dunquan in December provided an outstanding opportunity to review the fu