实施电能替代 促进能源清洁化发展

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当前,我国大气污染形势严峻,大量散烧煤、燃油消费是造成严重雾霾的主要因素之一。我国每年散烧煤消费约7~8亿吨,主要用于采暖小锅炉、工业小锅炉(窑炉)、农村生产生活等领域,约占煤炭消费总量20%,远高于欧盟、美国不到5%的水平。大量散烧煤未经洁净处理就直接用于燃烧,致使大量大气污染物排放。此外,汽车、飞机辅助动力装置(APU)、靠港船舶使用燃油也是大气污染排放的重要源头。电能具有清洁、安全、便捷等优势,实施电能替代对于推动能源消费革命、落实国家能源战略、促进能源清洁化发展意义重大。 At present, China’s air pollution situation is grim, a large number of scattered coal, fuel consumption is one of the main factors causing serious haze. The annual consumption of coal in our country is about 7-800 million tons, which is mainly used for heating small boilers, industrial small boilers (kilns), rural production and living and other fields, accounting for about 20% of the total coal consumption, much higher than the EU and the United States To 5% level. A large amount of loose coal is directly used for combustion without clean treatment, resulting in a large amount of air pollutant emissions. In addition, the use of fuel in vehicles, aircraft-assisted power units (APU) and port vessels is also an important source of air pollution emissions. Electricity is clean, safe and convenient. The implementation of electric energy substitution is of great significance in promoting the revolution of energy consumption, implementing the national energy strategy and promoting the development of energy cleanliness.
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和我爸角色换位的时刻就这么悄然而至。这是我第一次带爸妈一起去国外旅行,以前都是只带妈妈。我妈是一个特别开通且对各种文化持开放态度的文艺女中年。带她去美国、去东南亚,行程几乎和我的闺密行没有区别。我爸工作繁忙,出国次数虽然多,但每一次都是小范围的有专人陪同的私家行程。可这次他们到纽约之前,我竟然忽略了这一点,就这么稀里糊涂地以为自己准备好了。   到纽约的第四天早上,我爸一张扑克脸对着我说:我要回
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