A Linguistic and Stylistic Analysis of the Chinese Translation of Obama's Speech at the First M

来源 :英语广场(学术研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gcwx258
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According to Reiss’s Text Type theory,a key part of the functionalist approach in translation studies,the source text can be assigned to a text type and to a genre.In making this assignment,the translator can decide on the hierarchy of postulates which has to be observed during target-text production(Mona,2005).This essay intends to conduct a linguistic and stylistic analysis of the Chinese translation of Obama’s speech to explore the general approach of the translator(if there is one),by comparing the respective results of the two analyses from the perspective of Katharina Reiss’s Text Type theory.In doing so,critical judgments will accordingly be made as to whether such an approach is justifiable or not. According to Reiss’s Text Type theory, a key part of the functionalist approach in translation studies, the source text can be assigned to a text type and to a genre.In. This translator can decide on the hierarchy of postulates which has to be observed during target-text production (Mona, 2005). This essay intends to conduct a linguistic and stylistic analysis of the Chinese translation of Obama’s speech to explore the general approach of the translator (if there is one), by comparing the individuals results of the two analyzes from the perspective of Katharina Reiss’s Text Type theory.In doing so, critical judgments will accordingly be made as to whether such an approach is justifiable or not.
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