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“韩剧里,男女主人公独处消遣的时候都在看书。等人的时候看书,无聊的时候看书,不想被打扰时戴着耳机看书,因为感情问题翻开书而若有所思,情侣间最温馨的画面是一个枕着另一个的腿看书……”“网上一直流行一个看剧的鄙视链,说看英剧的鄙视看美剧的,看美剧的鄙视看日剧的,看日剧的鄙视看韩剧的,看韩剧的鄙视……然而这”低端“的韩剧里,有一个”高大上“的细节却不容鄙视:那就是几乎所有的韩剧里,书与阅读都是一件非常重要的事情。这一细节长期为人所忽视,直至最近《来自星星的你》大火,带动了粉丝们对剧中书的抢购,人们才感慨:原来偶像剧也能引领阅读。 ”Korean drama, the hero and heroines are alone when reading .When reading, when boring to read, do not want to be disturbed to wear headphones to read, because the emotional problems turned the book and thoughtful, the most lovers Warm picture is a pillow reading one another ... “” Internet has been a popular look at the chain of contempt for the drama, said to see the British drama despise American drama, see the American drama despise Japanese TV drama, look at the Japanese TV despise Look at the Korean drama, look at the contempt of the Korean drama ... ... However, this “low-end” in the Korean drama, there is a “tall” details can not be despised: that is, almost all of the Korean drama, the book and reading are a This is a very important thing .This detail has long been neglected. Until recently, the “you from the stars” fire led fans to buy the play’s books, people just realized: the original idol drama can also lead reading.
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通过对高性能混凝土原材料及配合比设计参数的分析,探讨了原材料的性能和用量对高性能混凝土的影响,选用陕西地方材料配制了C60高性能混凝土 Through the analysis of high-perfo
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
某企业负责人面对记者采访说了这样一句话 :“没有不活的市场 ,只有不活的脑筋。”此话令人寻味。去年 ,地处滇东北乌蒙山腹地的会泽县电信局 ,借建国50周年大庆之机 ,采用强有
面对高度饱和的电器市场 ,日本松下电器公司邀请几十名不同年龄的家庭妇女 ,让她们毫不保留地对松下熨斗“吹毛求疵”。其中一位妇女抱怨说 ,熨斗若没有电线就方便多了。谁曾
在英语里,有些单词正看、反看都有意思。因为英语单词只能横向变化,没有上下结构,故叫妙趣“横”生。如:live(生活)倒过来就是evil(罪恶),可见“生活”不能颠倒,颠倒过来就是“罪恶”!又如,请用“鼠辈造反”猜一英语单词,谜底是“star”。因为star从后往前读,正好是rats(老鼠)。英语中还有不少这样的单词,请看:  but(但是)——tub(盆)  not(不是)——ton(吨)  pa