
来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovezhizunbaolove
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In order to study the chemical behaviors of the transactinide elements and their homologues,a ~(252)Cf fission fragment source coupling with gas-jet transport system as a generator of short-lived radioisotopes was established in nuclear chemistry laboratory. Many fission products of ~(252)Cf are homologues of transac- In order to study the chemical behaviors of the transactinide elements and their homologues, a ~ (252) Cf fission fragment source coupling with gas-jet transport system as a generator of short-lived radioisotopes was established in nuclear chemistry laboratory. Many fission products of ~ (252) Cf are homologues of transac-
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The application of salt-free reagents in the spent fuel reprocessing process was recognised in recent years. N, N-dimethylhydroxylamine (DMHAN) can reduce Pu(Ⅳ
【英国《国际核工程》网站2007年9月14日报道】环境食品农村事务部(DEFRA)已宣布,将允许塞拉菲尔德(Sellafield)场区继续对乏燃料进行后处理。 The International Nuclear P
Components of the analytic samples with activity are complicated. Some of the samples are brown organic liquid, and the others are pink inorganic liquid which m
Plutonium-238 dioxide is a useful alpha source of radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG), but it emits some neutrons. So we performed the investigation on
A method for determination of trace plutonium in environmental samples by ID-ICPMS was established in the laboratory. The content of plutonium in an IAEA confer
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