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云南省大寨电厂位于云南省罗平县九龙镇辖区内,属跨流域径流水电站,于1972年开工建设,1977年3月15日第一台机组投产发电,总装机容量6 ×1万kW。25年来大寨电厂全体干部职工,坚持“两手抓、两手都要硬”的方 Dazhai Power Plant in Yunnan Province is located in Jiulong Town, Luoping County, Yunnan Province. It belongs to an inter-basin runoff hydropower station and started construction in 1972. The first unit was put into operation on March 15, 1977 with a total installed capacity of 6 × 10MW. In the past 25 years, all the cadres and workers of Dazhai Power Plant have adhered to the principle of “grasping both hands and both hands”
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全国人大常委会原副委员长王光英是一位“老青联”。早在1953年6月召开的中华全国青年第二次代表大会上,34岁的王光英就当选为全国青联常委;5年后,即 Wang Guangying, forme