着眼大局 掌握防汛抗旱主动权

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今年是推进改革开放和现代化建设的关键一年。省委八届七次全体会议制定了我省改革与发展的奋斗目标,即用五年左右的时间,建立起社会主义市场经济的基本框架;在去年提前实现国民经济生产总值翻两番的基础上,到本世纪末实现第三个翻番,经济整体素质和综合实力上一个新台阶,全省人民生活水平提前实现小康。要实现这两大奋斗目标,我们必须进一步解放思想,振奋精神,围绕“抓住机遇、深入改革、扩大开放、促进发展、保持稳定”这个全党工作的大局,努力开创江苏改革和发展的新局面。防汛抗旱工作直接关系到全省人民生命财产的安全,是保证社会稳定的一个极为重要的方面。做好今年的防汛抗旱工作,对维护社会稳定,保障改革开放有着十分重要的意义。 This year is a crucial year for promoting reform, opening up and modernization. At the 7th plenary meeting of the Eighth Provincial Committee, the goal of our province’s reform and development was formulated. That is, in about five years, the basic framework of the socialist market economy was established. In the previous year, the goal of quadrupling the GNP of our economy On the basis of this, we will achieve the third double by the end of this century, the overall quality of the economy and overall strength to a new level. The living standards of the people in the province will be well-to-do in advance. In order to achieve these two major goals, we must further emancipate our minds, raise our spirits and strive to create a new situation for the reform and development of Jiangsu around the overall situation of “whole-Party work” of “seize the opportunity, deepen the reform, open up, promote development and maintain stability” situation. Flood control and drought relief work is directly related to the safety of people’s lives and property throughout the province and is an extremely important aspect of ensuring social stability. To do a good job in flood control and drought relief this year is of great significance to maintaining social stability and ensuring the reform and opening up.
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