On the Occurrence of Sphenophyllum-Like Stems in Southwestern Kuangtung

来源 :中国地质学会志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq13545197270
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Among the fossils collected in recent years by the Geological Survey of Kuangtung and Kuangsi is a Sphenophyllum that is of considerable importance for exact confirmation of the presence in south-western Kuangtung of the Wutung Series.The plant-bearing strata are exposed near the village Shachow of the Among the fossils collected in recent years by the Geological Survey of Kuangtung and Kuangsi is a Sphenophyllum that is of proper importance for exact confirmation of the presence in south-western Kuangtung of the Wutung Series. The plant-bearing strata are exposed near the village Shachow of the
In conclusion, the chronological classification should base upon the followiag three bases:1. Cycle of Sedimentation2. Diastrophism3. Faunal AssemblageThe old
In March,1944,while carrying on the geological reconnaissance in theHoso~1-Tokson~2 area,the writers had an opportunity of spending a fewdays in the vicinity o
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