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文化与文化生产、文化产业是不同性质、不同层次的概念。新中国对文化事业和文化产业的理解既受到经济发展水平的限制,也受到意识形态观念的影响。从单一的文化建设向文化事业与文化产业并举的转变反映了新时期理论界、文化界对社会主义文化建设理论的大胆探索和积极实践。群众文化作为意识形态的一部分,因其具有广泛的大众娱乐消费基础以及与传统文化和民间文化的紧密联系,成为催生文化产业最丰饶的沃土。文化经济正崛起为21世纪我国新的经济增长点,文化产业处于大发展时期。而文化产品作为文化的载体,其生产与传播方式的变革必然会对文化的传承与发展产生巨大的影响。文化的核心是价值观,文化传统必定持续地存在并显现于文化生活和文化产品中。在繁荣文化经济的同时,如何处理当代文化与传统文化、民族文化与外来文化的关系,是发展繁荣社会主义文化必须面对的课题。 Culture and cultural production, cultural industries are different nature, different levels of concept. New China’s understanding of cultural undertakings and cultural industries is not only limited by the level of economic development, but also influenced by ideological concepts. The transition from a single cultural construction to a simultaneous development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries reflects the bold exploration and active practice of the theory of socialist cultural construction by theoretical and cultural circles in the new era. As a part of ideology, mass culture has become the most fertile fertile soil for cultural industries because of its extensive public entertainment base and its close relationship with traditional culture and folk culture. The cultural economy is emerging as a new economic growth point of our country in the 21st century, and the cultural industry is in a period of great development. As a carrier of culture, cultural products will inevitably have a huge impact on the inheritance and development of culture. The core of culture is values, and cultural traditions must persist and manifest in cultural life and cultural products. While prospering the cultural economy, how to deal with the relationship between contemporary culture and traditional culture, national culture and foreign culture is the issue that we must face to develop and prosper the socialist culture.
摘 要 本文将通过与普通型强奸罪(强奸妇女)犯罪构成四个方面的一一对比,明确性侵幼女性强奸罪在犯罪构成上的特殊性。旨在明确犯罪主观方面的“明知”与犯罪客观方面的“自愿”对性侵幼女型强奸罪认定的影响,进而提出关于奸淫幼女行为定性问题的具体建议。  关键词 强奸罪 性侵幼女 自愿 明知 推定  作者简介:刘梦雪,天津市东丽区人民检察院案件监管部检察官助理;李佳,中国民航大学法学院学生。  中图分类号:
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