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窗外,是一个小花园,它成了我工作之余放松身心的一处好景观。由于冬日无花无草,已很长时间没有注意它了。前几日,刚写完一篇稿子,抬眼间,猛然发现“花园”里的迎春花开了。那一簇簇、一串串,像节日里的礼花,蓬蓬勃勃地开放着。眼下,虽还有些春寒料峭,但那小小的迎春花,却不畏寒风,像一朵朵黄色的小喇叭,吹响了进军春天的第一声号角。 也许习惯了每天机械的工作,却忽视了春天的信息,而这串串迎春的花朵,让人惊喜,使人振奋。这应是早春送给我们的第一份礼物吧! 迎春花,虽没有玫瑰的芬芳,没有牡丹的雍容,但她从不自轻,而是在冬日悄悄积聚力量,在桃花还未吐蕊,梨花尚待闺中时,乘着早春的第一缕春风, Outside the window, is a small garden, it became a good landscape I relax in my spare time. Because the winter flowers without grass, it has been a long time did not pay attention to it. A few days ago, just finished writing a manuscript, looked up, suddenly found “garden” in the spring flowers bloom. That cluster, a string, like the fireworks in the festival, thriving open. Right now, although there are still some spring chill, but that little spring flowers, but fear of cold wind, like a blossoming yellow trumpet, sounded the first to enter the spring horn. May be accustomed to the daily mechanical work, but ignored the spring of information, and this string of spring flowers, surprising and inspiring. This should be the first gift we gave in early spring! Spring flowers, although there is no fragrance of roses, there is no peony grace, but she never lighter, but in the winter quietly accumulate strength, peach blossom yet to spit, pear flowers remain in the boudoir, riding the first strand of early spring spring breeze,
时间,我悲哀地想到这个答案。曾经的他们被时间带入茫茫宇宙,在某个黑洞中永恒地相守。 可是,那些时间,那些他们,那些爱,已经消失,永远消失在现实这个世界中。剩下的,只是一
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