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引入湖泊经纬度、海拔、湖水温度、湖水pH值以及湖水Na+、K+、Mg2+、Ca2+、Cl-、SO2-4、CO2-3、HCO-3浓度等13个基本变量作为聚类指标,构建了自组织特征映射(SOFM)网络,对巴丹吉林沙漠南部共计105个常年积水湖泊进行了非线性聚类,并与基于类平均法的线性聚类分析结果作对比,得到两种聚类分析方法的结果大体一致,即以雅布赖山北东—南西走向断裂带为界,湖泊呈较明显的二聚类分布,断裂带北部的湖泊聚集一类,接近断裂带以及断裂带南部的湖泊聚为一类,这与实地考察结果相互印证。对聚类结果进行判别后发现,SOFM网络的聚类结果更为准确可靠,其在识别地理现象微小差异方面更具优势。而根据断裂带两侧不同类型湖泊的分布,可以推断巴丹吉林沙漠南部湖泊群地下水源补给空间上的非同源性,以及地下岩层组分和结构上的空间差异性。 Thirteen basic variables including lake latitude, longitude, elevation, lake temperature, lake water pH and lake water Na +, K +, Mg2 +, Ca2 +, Cl-, SO2-4, CO2-3 and HCO-3 concentration were introduced into this study. (SOFM) network, a total of 105 perennial lagoons in Badain Jaran Desert were clustered non-linearly and compared with the linear cluster analysis based on the averaging method. Two clustering analysis methods The results show that the lakes are obviously distributed in the Yabulaishan north-south-west fault zone, and lakes in the northern part of the fault zone are clustered. The lakes close to the fault zone and the southern part of the fault zone are clustered One type, which confirms the results of the field investigation. After discriminating the clustering results, it is found that the clustering result of SOFM network is more accurate and reliable, which is more advantageous in identifying slight differences of geographical phenomena. According to the distribution of different types of lakes on both sides of the fault zone, it is possible to deduce the non-homology of groundwater recharge space in southern Lakes of Badain Jaran Desert and the spatial differences of composition and structure of underground rock formations.
Liane Moriarty为澳大利亚当代知名女性作家,她于2014年出版的小说Big Little Lies,可谓是其创作生涯中知名度最高、影响力最大的一部作品。在这部小说中,Liane以悬疑故事的
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