Comparisons of interface microstructure and mechanical behavior between Ti/Al and Ti-6Al-4V/Al bimet

来源 :China Foundry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdhpll
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The microstructure, interface thickness, element distribution and interfacial mechanical behavior of Ti-6Al-4V/Al couples prepared by an insert moulding method were investigated in depth in this paper. Moreover, Ti/Al bonding was also given as a comparison for understanding the interface bonding mechanism. It is shown that there is much thinner compact sub-layer for the interface of the Ti-6Al-4V/Al joint, whose morphology is obviously different from that of the Ti/Al joint. The Ti-6Al-4V/Al interface has been proven to contain a slight content of vanadium. Moreover, both the shear strength and the interface reaction rate of Ti-6Al-4V/Al compound materials are lower than those of the Ti/Al ones. The microstructure, interface thickness, element distribution and interfacial mechanical behavior of Ti-6Al-4V / Al couples prepared by an insert molding method were investigated in depth in this paper. Furthermore, Ti / Al bonding was also given as a comparison for understanding the It is shown that there is much thinner compact sub-layer for the interface of the Ti-6Al-4V / Al joint, whose morphology is obviously different from that of the Ti / Al joint. The Ti-6Al-4V / Al interface has been proven to contain a slight content of vanadium. Both, both the shear strength and the interface reaction rate of Ti-6Al-4V / Al compound materials are lower than those of the Ti / Al ones.
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