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截止1995年末,据有关统计资料,我国铁道部管理的铁路建成后交付运营的隧道,共有4855座,总长度2261.560公里,其中,标准轨距铁路隧道计4660座/2230.376公里,占总数95%以上,窄轨铁路隧道计195座/23.184公里。按隧道长度分,500米以下的隧道有3598座/681.181公里(占总座数74.1%/总长度30.1%);500至1000米的隧道有688座/481.293公里(占总座 As of the end of 1995, according to relevant statistics, there are 4,855 tunnels delivered and operated after the completion of the railway under the Ministry of Railways, with a total length of 2,261.560 kilometers, of which 4660 are standard rail gauge tunnels and 2,230.376 kilometers in total, accounting for more than 95% of the total , Narrow gauge railway tunnel meter 195 / 23.184 km. According to the length of the tunnel, 3598 tunnels / 681.181 kilometers (accounting for 74.1% of the total number of tunnels / 30.1% of the total length) of tunnels below 500 meters and 688 tunnels / 481.293 kilometers
花椰菜( Brassica oleracea L. var.botrytis L.)亦称莱花或花菜。人们食用的花球是花椰菜的营养贮藏器官,它是由花枝和原始花蕾的聚合体组成。因其食用部分质地细嫩,营养丰富,深受广大消费者欢迎。 我国栽培花椰菜
为了选育良种,确保种子质量,我们连续多年对我国几种主要瓜类作物和蔬菜种子的寿命及贮藏方法与发芽率的关系进行了测定。现将结果列表于下,供参考。 In order to breed go