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每年春分一到,新疆南部的阳光就分外明媚起来。杏树紫铜色的枝干上虽然还没有长出嫩绿的新叶,但已经热热闹闹地挤满了一簇簇花芽花苞。真是未见杏子黄,先闻杏花香了。沁人花香不觉让人想起“一枝红杏出墙来”、“东风十里杏花红”和“牧童遥指杏花村”等诗词佳句,就连维吾尔族人家后院草垛上探出的杏花都活泼抢眼。这个季节恰好又是新疆少数民族迎春的传统节日——诺鲁孜节,处处绿草村村杏花,节日乡村特有的农耕文化气息,在祈福的乐舞里蔼蔼。 Every year during the vernal equinox, the sunshine in southern Xinjiang is exceptionally bright. Although the apricot does not grow on the copper branches of verdant new leaves, but it has been crowded with clusters of flower buds. Really apricot yellow, Xianghu apricot flowers. Reminiscent of people reminiscent of flowers, “an affair came to the wall,” “Dongfeng Shixin apricot” and “shepherd children Yao Zhi Heng Fa Chuen” and other poems sentence, and even the Uygur backyard haystack On the apricot flowers are lively and eye-catching. This season happens to be the traditional festival of Xinjiang ethnic minority spring - Nuruzhizi, everywhere green grass village apricot, festivals and rural farming culture unique flavor in the blessing of music and dance in the amiable.
1996年2月28日,国际海事卫星组织研制的全球收费卫星电话系统投入使用。从此,世界上一些连移动电话都无法使用的偏远地区均可使用该系统打电话,收发传真和传输数据。 该系统
说起剑兰,它还真是与我有着不解之缘。自小我家天井里就有几株剑兰,茂盛的兰花,挺拔有致的兰叶,让人看了煞是提神。每逢开花时节,伴着满庭的花香,孩子们在院子里玩耍,大人们坐着喝茶聊天,非常惬意。   后来一个偶然的机会,友人赠我一盆剑兰,我一下子来了种兰的兴致,又从福建买了几株品种较好的剑兰。在培植这些宝贝的过程中,我结交了不少“兰友”(种兰花的朋友),大家相互交流种植经验,取长补短。在我悉心呵护和管
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