Genotypic Differences of Forage Crop Tolerance to Acid Soils

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Twenty eight species of forage crops were planted on acid soils derived from Quaternary red clay (pH 4.16)and red sandstone (pH 4.55) to study genotypic differences of the forage crops in tolerance to acid soils as affected by liming, phosporus and potassium fertilizer application. Eight forage species, Lolium multiflorum L., Brachiaria decumbens, Digitaria sumtisii, Melinis minutiflora, Paspalum dilatatum, Paspalum wettsteinii,Sataria viridis Beanv and Shcep’s Festuca, were highly tolerant to acid soils, and grew relatively well in the tested soils without lime application, whereas most of the other 20 tested forage species such as Lolium perenne L., Meadow Festuca and Trifolium pratense L. were intolerant to acid soils, showing retarded growth when the soil pH was below 5.5 and significant increase in dry matter yields by phosphrus fertilizer application at soil pH 6.0. Results showed that large differences in tolerance to acid soils existed among the forage species,and tolerance of the forage species to acid soils might be closely associated with their tolerance to Al and P efficiency. Twenty eight species of forage crops were planted on acid soils derived from Quaternary red clay (pH 4.16) and red sandstone (pH 4.55) to study genotypic differences of the forage crops in tolerance to acid soils as affected by liming, phosporus and potassium fertilizer application Eight forage species, Lolium multiflorum L., Brachiaria decumbens, Digitaria sumtisii, Melinis minutiflora, Paspalum dilatatum, Paspalum wettsteinii, Sataria viridis Beanv and Shcep’s Festuca, were highly tolerant to acid soils, and grew relatively well in the tested soils without lime application , most of the other 20 tested forage species such as Lolium perenne L., Meadow Festuca and Trifolium pratense L. were intolerant to acid soils, showing retarded growth when the soil pH was below 5.5 and significant increase in dry matter yields by phosphrus fertilizer application at soil pH 6.0. Results showing that large differences in tolerance to acid soils existing among the forage species, and tolerance of the forage species to acid soils might be closely associated with their tolerance to Al and P efficiency.
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