Risk factor analysis for meta plastic gastritis in Koreans

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baidu390
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AIM: To conduct a retrospective study to determine the risk factors for development of metaplastic gastritis in Korean population. METHODS: The database of 113449 subjects who underwent a gastroscopy for the purpose of a regular check-up at center for health promotion, Samsung medical center during 5 years was collected and retrospectively analyzed. Among them, 5847 subjects who had endoscopically diagnosed as a metaplastic gastritis or 10076 normal as well as answered to questionnaire were included for present study. The subjects were divided into 2 groups; GroupⅠ, normal and GroupⅡ, metaplastic gastritis. Age, gender, Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) seropositivity, body mass index (BMI), family history of cancer, smoking, alcohol consumption, total daily calories, folate and salt intake and dietary habit (out-eating, overeating, irregular eating) were retrieved from questionnaire or electronic medical record and compared between groupⅠand groupⅡ. RESULTS: The prevalence of groupⅡwas 11% (13578/113449) increasing its prevalence with age (P=0.000). But, there was no significant association between 2 groups in BMI, family history of cancer, alcohol consumption, total daily calories, folate and salt intake and dietary habit (out-eating, overeating, irregular eating). Old age (P=0.000), male gender (P=0.000), H pylori seropositivity (P=0.010) and current smoker (P=0.000) were significantly more common in groupⅡat multiple logistic regression model. CONCLUSION: Our data suggested that old age, male gender, H pylori seropositivity and smoking were risk factors for metaplastic gastritis, precancerous lesion of gastric cancer. METHODS: The database of 113449 subjects who underwent a gastroscopy for the purpose of a regular check-up at center for health promotion, Samsung medical center during these 5 years was collected and retrospectively analyzed. Among them, 5847 subjects who had endoscopically diagnosed as a metaplastic gastritis or 10076 normal as well as answered to questionnaire were included for present study. The subjects were divided into 2 groups; GroupⅠ, normal and GroupⅡ , metaplastic gastritis. Age, gender, Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) seropositivity, body mass index (BMI), family history of cancer, smoking, alcohol consumption, total daily calories, folate and salt intake and dietary habit (out-eating, overeating , irregular eating) were retrieved from questionnaire or electronic medical record and compared between group Ⅰ and group Ⅱ. RESULTS: The prevalence of gro But, there was no significant association between 2 groups in BMI, family history of cancer, alcohol consumption, total daily calories, folate and salt intake and dietary Old age (P = 0.000), male gender (P = 0.000), H pylori seropositivity (P = 0.010) and current smoker (P = 0.000) were significantly more common in group Ⅱat CONCLUSION: Our data suggested that old age, male gender, H pylori seropositivity and smoking were risk factors for metaplastic gastritis, precancerous lesion of gastric cancer.
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