The panopticon prison as a “social condenser”:The study of the project for De Koepel prison by Rem K

来源 :建筑学研究前沿(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LZLZ
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Rem Koolhaas/OMA carried out the study for De Koepel prison throughout a decade(1979-1988).However,only its initial stages (1979-1980) were disclosed and have been inves-tigated.The hypothesis presented in this article suggests that Koolhaas implemented his—then— recent thesis present in Delirious New York (1978) on “life in the metropolis” and the “Culture of Congestion” in the conception and design of this project.Thus,this article has the aim of examining —by means of the documents compelling the entire period of the study— how the project suggested transforming the domesticity of De Koepel prison into a “so-cial condenser” of the contemporary metropolis.By doing so,it makes it possible to consider the role of this project within the first decade of Koolhaas\' career as an architect (1978-1989),and to establish that Delirious New York is,in fact,the theory on which it was based on when first conceived.This project anticipated the strategy and the methodology he implemented,at a later time,in other projects,offering a different perspective.On this occasion,this diagram-matic investigation took place in Bentham\'s Panopticon;reason why,he was then able to develop the reflections on heterotopias and prisons carried out by Foucault.
B IPV控制中心把空冷型PV/T构件整合到建筑外墙中,实现了太阳能光电光热一体化高效综合利用.设置排风机与南墙东侧的PV/T构件相结合,夏季和过渡季进、 排风电动百叶开启自然散热.冬季开启排风机,热空气送至地板下的蓄热混凝土进行蓄热,实现光伏余热直接热利用.本文对此系统进行了实验测试,蓄热混凝土系统平均温升5.8℃,蓄热效果良好,具有推广应用价值.
Given the cultural and environmental potential presented by historical water infra-structures in urban contexts,this article states the evidence of a not much documented urban phenomenon in Portugal,the refurbishment of water heritage protected areas moti
经调研发现,不同送排风风口位置、 独立送排风或交叉送排风,有无连通洞3种因素,对地下封闭调蓄池通风效果的影响目前尚不明确,气流组织形式有优化空间.本文从通风有效性和排污有效性2个角度出发,构建调蓄池通风气流分布评价指标,基于广西某调蓄池项目,以H 2 S为示踪气体,进行CFD模拟.结论:高送低排的通风有效性和排污有效性最高.交叉送排风的气流分布效果不如独立送排风.增设连通洞后,调蓄池内H 2 S平均浓度和空气龄可分别降低35.56%,8.26%,排污效率提高2.79,通风有效性和排污有效性均大幅改善.
通过对比补气增焓及采用电子膨胀阀控制排气过热度的低环温空气源热泵应用在室外环境温度-15℃ 以上的性能对比以及在-15℃下运行的经济性分析,确定了电子膨胀阀控制排气过热度低环温空气源热泵机组的辅助电加热使用时间节点,为设计选型、 工程应用提供参考.
介绍了燃气压缩式及吸收式空气源热泵的工作原理,从理论上进行冬季制热过程的经济性分析.研究结果表明:压缩式热泵制热性能优于吸收式热泵.燃气压缩式热泵一次能源利用率优于燃气吸收式热泵、 电驱动压缩式热泵.燃气压缩式热泵更为经济.
为应对新型冠状病毒等呼吸道传染性疾病的筛查防治工作,对新建、 改扩建的发热门诊及留观病房的通风、 空调系统提出设计原则及控制要点,总结出有效控制三区域二走道的压力梯度、 定向气流流向是避免新冠病毒传染的设计手段,并强调室内外通风系统取风、 排风口位置的布置原则,使建筑物对周围环境影响降到最低.
This study explores the essential issues pertaining to a landscape bridge based on a multi-scale methodology,in view of the paucity of design theories for contemporary landscape bridges.We contribute to reinterpret landscape bridges on their physical temp