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  Rachel Martin (Host): The 75th anniversary of the movie Gone with the Wind is coming up. And when our staff on All Things Considered started talking about it, we found out that many of the younger folks who work around here haven’t seen this classic film. NPR’s Neda Ulaby wondered why.
  Neda Ulaby (Byline): Could it be that Gone with the Wind is not aging particularly gracefully?
  (Soundbite of the film, Gone with the Wind)
  Butterfly Mcqueen (As Prissy): We’ve got to have a doctor. I don’t know nothing ’bout birthin’ babies.
  Ulaby: Film 2)critic Wesley Morris, who works for the online magazine Grantland, says no. Gone with the Wind is a timeless classic, he explains, starting with its breathtaking technical achievements.
  Wesley Morris: There’s a 3)shot of Scarlett walking across the street. And she’s 4)encountering all these bodies. And she’s seeing the horror of the war for the first time. And it’s just brilliant. It’s just a brilliant shot. And the movie is full of those—like low angles, high angles, medium shots, long shots. The 5)close-ups are astounding.
  Ulaby: But here with students in a film class at Georgetown University said when asked if they’d seen it.
  Unidentified Man #1: I’ve seen half of it—parts.
  Unidentified Man #2: No.
  Unidentified Man #3: No.
  Unidentified Man #4: Yes.
  Unidentified Man #5: Unfortunately, no.
  Ulaby: These students are serious about movies. But a lot of them sided with 20-year-old Mike Minahan, who said when it comes to Gone with the Wind, frankly, he doesn’t give a damn.
  Mike Minahan: Like everything I’ve seen about it says it, like, 6)glorifies like the slave era and stuff. And I don’t know, what’s the point of that? Like I don’t really see that as a good time in history to be like, oh, sweet, a love story of like people who owned slaves—like good for you.
  Ulaby: These students had two issues with Gone with the Wind—race and rape.
  (Soundbite of the film, Gone with the Wind)
  Vivien Leigh (As Scarlett O’Hara): Take your hands off me, you drunken fool.
  Ulaby: Scarlett is raped by her husband and wakes up the next morning in an absolutely wonderful mood. Today we watch that scene—or those with happy slaves—differently than we would have even a generation ago. But that doesn’t mean Gone with the Wind isn’t timeless, says critic Wesley Morris. It’s just that, to many viewers now, it’s unfashionable.   Morris: The reason the movie isn’t fashionable is that people think the ideas in it don’t matter anymore.
  Ulaby: But Morris says these 7)vexing ideas about rape and race in Gone with the Wind are still huge 8)underlying problems in society.
  Morris: And in popular culture—and you can’t pretend that those things aren’t there anymore just because it’s 2014 and not 1939.
  Ulaby: In 1939, when the movie came out, its themes of 9)deprivation made sense to Depression-era audiences.
  (Soundbite of the film, Gone with the Wind)
  Leigh (As Scarlett O’Hara): As God is my witness, I’ll never be hungry again.
  Steve Wilson: Food and security, war...
  Ulaby: Steve Wilson 10)curated an exhibition about Gone with the Wind up now at the University of Texas at Austin. He discussed it on NPR a few weeks ago. Wilson: These issues that were so important to Scarlett were also important to the people at the time. And I think that it 11)resonated so much that it became an 12)integral part of our culture that is still with us today.
  Ulaby: Hunger, Wilson says, homelessness, dealing with 13)trauma after war—they’re all still 14)contemporary issues. And even though it’s told from the perspective of a white slave-owning woman, Wilson says Gone with the Wind’s large 15)canvas love story is timeless, too.
  Wilson: I’ve had the experience of falling in love with someone who didn’t fall in love with me, you know. So that is something that I think everybody can relate to.
  Ulaby: That relatability is partly what separates a Gone with the Wind from a troublesome classic like The Birth of a Nation. And traditionally, Gone with the Wind has been a family movie. That’s what it was for 27-year-old Georgetown student Becky Neff.
  Becky Neff: I saw it because I have aunts and uncles who were very affected by it. And when they were growing up and they just—It’s a way for us to share something together in common. And they like to pass down things that were interesting for them.

  韦斯利·莫里斯:有一幕是斯嘉丽走在大街上。她看到了满地的尸体,这是她第一次看到了战争的残酷。这很出色,这是一个出色的镜头。这部电影都是这些镜头——像是仰拍、俯拍、中景镜头、全景镜头。特写效果也很赞。   乌拉比:但是当被问到是否看过这部电影时,乔治城大学的学生在电影课上是这样回答的:
  不知名男士# 1: 我只看过一半——一部分。
  不知名男士# 2: 没看过。
  不知名男士# 3: 没看过。
  不知名男士# 4: 看过。
  不知名男士# 5: 很遗憾,没看过。

  乌拉比:这种联系就是让《乱世佳人》区别于饱受争议的经典电影《一个国家的诞生》(译者注:《一个国家的诞生》又名《同族人》(The Clansman),是美国电影史上最有影响力、也最具争议性的电影之一,情节设定在南北战争期间及战后,于1915年2月8日首映。由于拍摄手法的创新,以及因为对白人优越主义的提倡和对三K党的美化所引起的争议性,使得此片在电影史上有着重要的地位。)的部分原因。在传统观念里,《乱世佳人》一直是一部家庭电影,来自乔治城大学27岁的学生贝基·内夫是这样认为的。
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