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戴天球和王少堂都是江都人,后又同寓扬州新城。戴天球小王少堂6岁,早年留学日本,攻读法律,曾参加孙中山领导的中华革命党。回国后,又曾参加陈去病、高天梅、柳亚子发起组织的中国近代第一个革命文学团体——南社。抗战前后,担任过江都律师公会会长、江都商会会长、国大代表、全国律师公会常务理事兼秘书长,以大律师名于时。1948年,携眷旅居台湾。晚年,因患胃癌赴美诊治,先后开刀数次,切除了胃、脾,1975年10月28日,病逝台北,终年81岁。戴天球家住江都真武庙,自幼喜欢戏剧、评话,常 Dai Tianqiu and Wang Shaotang are Jiangdu people, and then with the new home Yangzhou. Dai Tianqiu Wang Shaotang 6 years old, studying in Japan in his early years, studying law, had participated in the leadership of the Chinese Revolutionary Party Sun Yat-sen. After returning home, they also participated in the organization of the first modern revolutionary literature group in China, Nanshe, who participated in Chen Qumei, Gao Tianmei and Liu Yazi. Before and after the war of resistance against Japan, he served as president of Jiangdu Law Society, president of Jiangdu Chamber of Commerce, deputies to the National Assembly, executive director and secretary general of the National Lawyers Association, and became known as a barrister. In 1948, dependents living in Taiwan. In his later years, suffering from gastric cancer to the United States for diagnosis and treatment, has several times surgery, removal of the stomach, spleen, October 28, 1975, died of Taipei, at the age of 81. Dai Tianqiu live in Jiangdu Zhenwu Temple, since childhood, like drama, comments, often
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