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山水画的主题是创作者以山水为题材,表达出的特有中心思想与内涵。历代山水画表达了多样的主题思想,或寄情于山水、表达家园情结,或以山水为榜样,比德山水,或观照现实,表达生活,或图解政治,紧随时代大主题。当下山水画要立足于现实生活,融合当代与传统民族文化精神,交汇中西文化思想,表达当代社会复杂多变的文化生态主题。 The theme of landscape painting is the creator of landscape as the theme, express the unique central idea and content. The landscape paintings of the past dynasties have expressed diverse themes, or sent to the landscapes to express their homeland complex, or set landscapes as examples, landscapes of Beauties, or reflect reality, graphically or politically, and follow the major theme of the times. The current landscape paintings should be based on real life, integrate the contemporary and traditional national culture, meet Chinese and Western cultures and express the complex and changing cultural and ecological themes of contemporary society.
自从1997年Goodenough发现磷酸铁锂插入/脱嵌锂离子的性质以来,其作为锂离子电池正极材料已经受到广泛地关注和认同。磷酸铁锂理论容量达到170 mAh·g-1,在3.45 V(vs Li+/Li)附近
瘦素(leptin)是一种由脂肪细胞分泌的激素类蛋白,分子量约为16 kDa,通过与下丘脑下端的瘦素受体结合,激活下游酪氨酸蛋白激酶(Janus kinases,JAK)和转录信号转导物及激活剂(signa