Modeling Threshold of Stress Intensity Factor in Iodine Induced Stress Corrosion Crack of Zirconium

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:achm207
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KISCC,which is the threshold of stress intensity factor of iodine induced stress corrosion crack(ISCC)of Zirconium,reflects the susceptibility of ISCC of zirconium.Once the stress intensity factor surpasses the threshold,the cracking propagation modality in material will transform to transgranular from intergranular immediately and the velocity of the cracking will increase rapidly.Four key factors that’s KISCC, which is the threshold of stress intensity factor of iodine induced stress corrosion crack (ISCC) of Zirconium, reflects the susceptibility of ISCC of zirconium. Of the stress intensity factor surpasses the threshold, the cracking propagation modality in material transform to transgranular from intergranular immediately and the velocity of the cracking will increase rapidly. Four key factors that’s
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