
来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aassddff1984
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前不久,浙江省委宣传部组织编写了《“零距离”纪实》一书,收录了来自浙江省基层宣传思想工作“贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众”的100则生动实例。这些实例是基层广大宣传思想工作者积极探索思想政治工作新思路、新方法、新载体,从不同侧面多角度创新思想政治工作的缩影,是思想政治工作“三贴近”的绚丽亮点。本刊在此选登几则,以启发广大思想政治工作者更自觉更积极地坚持“三贴近”,追求与实际、与生活、与群众的“零距离”。 Not long ago, the Propaganda Department of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee organized the compilation of “Zero Distance” “Documentary”, a collection of 100 vivid examples from the propaganda and ideological work in Zhejiang Province that are “close to reality, close to life and close to the masses”. These examples are the highlights of the “three close-ups” in ideological and political work that the broad masses of propaganda and ideological workers at the grass-roots level actively explore new ideas, new methods and new carriers of ideological and political work and innovate the microcosm of the ideological and political work from different angles. Several articles have been selected by this journal to inspire the vast majority of ideological and political workers to more consciously and actively adhere to the “zero distance” between “three closeness,” pursuit and reality, and life and the masses.
SHAOLIN in the Wind is a collocation of martial arts, folk music and dance performed by monks from the Shaolin Temple, home of Chinese martial arts, and the cre
辽宁省东方女子古筝新筝乐团在 去年2月受文化部派遣成功访问爱尔兰 之后,受到爱尔兰音乐界和民众的欢 迎,也受到了我驻爱尔兰大使馆及文化 部、辽宁省委宣传部、葫芦岛市委
女人做生意垮掉不多,但做大的很少;男人做生意垮掉的不少,但做成大老板大企业家的也多。原因之一是女性的优点,可能也是她们的缺点。 Business women do not collapse much,
春节前夕,正在大家都匆忙准备过年的时候,听说赵薇 教授却要去台湾讲学。临行前记者与她通了电话,嘱她回来 一定要把此次台湾之行的见闻、感受告诉我们。赵薇老师欣 然应允。
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1931年,日本当局为实现其侵吞中国的野心,令其驻东北的关东军在制造了一系列挑衅事件后,于9月18日突然袭击沈阳北大营的中国驻军,次日占领沈阳。 In 1931, in order to real