Study on compensating methods of transmission system at 40 Gb/s in photonic crystal fiber

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq11xqxq
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Two compensating methods about solitons transmition systems at 40 Gb/s in a photonic crystal fiber are investigated.The maximum transmission distance of the system is calculated numerically by sliding filters and synchronic modulation technology.The maximum transmission distance increases evidently which occasionally is three times longer than before.The results show that the actions of high order dispersion,polarization mode dispersion,and high order nonlinearity are weakened by the two methods. The compensating effect of synchronic modulation technology is better than that of the other one.The capability of the compensated system is ameliorated,which is shown by eye patterns. Two compensating methods about solitons transmition systems at 40 Gb / s in a photonic crystal fiber are investigated. Maximum transmission distance of the system is calculated numerically by sliding filters and synchronic modulation technology. Maximum transmission distance increases evidently which occasionally is three times longer than before the results show that the actions of high order dispersion, polarization mode dispersion, and high order nonlinearity are weakened by the two methods. The compensating effect of synchronic modulation technology is better than that of the other one. the capability of the compensated system is ameliorated, which is shown by eye patterns.
报道了具有特殊界面结构(界面包含三个Zn—Te或Te—Zn化学键)的非掺杂ZnSe/BeTe II型量子阱在低温(5—10K)条件下的空间间接光致发光(PL)光谱的实验结果.PL光谱显示了一个较