国内data curation研究热点与进展

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[目的/意义]Data curation(DC)是当今图书情报领域的重要研究热点之一,系统梳理国内DC研究的现状,提出未来研究中值得关注的问题,可以为国内DC的后续研究提供一定的参考借鉴。[方法/过程]以CNKI为来源数据库,检索并整理国内2011年1月至2015年12月间发表的全部论文,采用内容分析法对研究主题进行分析、归纳和总结;重点从DC内涵、图书馆服务创新、角色定位与策略、教育与职业发展、机构知识库建设和对国内图书馆的借鉴意义等6个方面进行深入分析和评述。[结果/结论]研究结果表明:(1)国内DC研究具有对DC的兴起与发展敏感性低、研究不断深入、研究成果增长迅速和重视度不断提高、核心作者和核心团队初步形成以及研究主体集中等特点;(2)未来国内DC研究应加强其7个方面的研究工作:(1)内涵认识和概念界定;(2)服务创新;(3)角色定位与策略;(4)职业教育;(5)实践应用;(6)工作开展的信息伦理困境与对策;(7)交流与合作。 [Objective / Significance] Data curation (DC) is one of the most important research hotspots in the field of library and information nowadays. By systematically reviewing the status quo of DC research in China and presenting the issues of concern in future research, we can provide some references for the follow-up study of DC Learn from [Methods / Processes] With CNKI as the source database, all the papers published in China from January 2011 to December 2015 were retrieved and analyzed. Content analysis was used to analyze, summarize and summarize the research topics. The emphasis was on the connotation of DC, The innovation and service of museums, the orientation and strategy of roles, education and career development, the construction of institutional knowledge base and the reference to domestic libraries. [Results / Conclusions] The results of the research show that: (1) Domestic DC research has low sensitivity to the rise and development of DC, the research is deepening, the research results are growing rapidly and attention degree is increasing constantly, and the core author and core team are initially formed and the research subjects (2) In the future, domestic DC research should strengthen its research in seven aspects: (1) connotation and definition of connotation; (2) service innovation; (3) role positioning and strategy; (4) vocational education; (5) Practical application; (6) Information ethics dilemma and countermeasure in work; (7) Communication and cooperation.
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