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本文介绍了一种新的离散时间重复控制方法,其控制律是通过采用基于LQ最优控制的预见控制技术获得的。本文还提出了一种相似的方法预见重复控制(PRC)法,这种方法是通过采用模型重复控制技术获得的。文章研究了PRC系统的稳定性,但没有得到稳定性的显式条件,因为PRC系统的设计参数与性能之间的关系尚不清楚。用最优预见控制代替模型重复控制可得到闭环系统的稳定性显式条件。此外,由于所提出的反馈系统具有LQ最优控制的特性,所以可得到直接的、系统的设计方法。此外,本文还研究了性能指数的加权矩阵与保证稳定性的预见步数之间的关系,而且研究了系统用于权选择的渐近特性。电动机位置控制的数值实例可以证明这种方法的有效性。 This paper presents a new method of discrete time repetitive control, whose control law is obtained by using the predictive control technique based on LQ optimal control. This paper also presents a similar method to predict the repetitive control (PRC) method, which is obtained by using the model repetitive control technique. The article studied the stability of PRC system but did not get the explicit condition of stability because the relationship between design parameters and performance of PRC system was not clear. The optimal predictive control is used instead of the model repeated control to get the explicit stability condition of the closed-loop system. In addition, since the proposed feedback system has the characteristics of LQ optimal control, a direct, systematic design approach is available. In addition, this paper also studies the relationship between the weighted index of performance index and the expected number of steps to ensure stability, and studies the asymptotic behavior of the system for weight selection. Numerical examples of motor position control can prove the effectiveness of this method.
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