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村学写稿的通讯员,因见报的心情比较迫切,凡是采访到可写的素材,总是匆匆地写,匆匆地发,尔后每天在盼着自己的稿子见报,这种采写的精神可嘉,见报的心情也可以理解。然而有一些初学写稿的通讯员因不知道编辑选稿、编稿的一些要求和程序,致使一些本来能够见报的稿子,由? The reporter of the village school draft, due to the newspaper’s mood is more urgent, all the interviews can be written material, always hurriedly wrote, hurriedly hair, and later every day in the hope of his own manuscript, the spirit of this writing commendable, See the mood of the newspaper can understand. However, some correspondents who started the manuscript writing did not know some of the requirements and procedures of the editors’ manuscripts and manuscripts, which resulted in some of the manuscripts that could have seen the newspaper originally.