Xi, Modi Meet to Promote China-India Mutual Learning for Shared Prosperity

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  Xi, Modi Meet to Promote China-India Mutual Learning for Shared Prosperity
  Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi held their second informal meeting in the southern Indian city of Chennai from October 11 to 12 following their first in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in April last year.
  The two state leaders, in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, held a candid and in-depth exchange of views on bilateral relations and major international and regional issues of common concern.
  Xi said China-India relations have entered a new phase of sound and stable development since his first informal meeting with Modi in Wuhan.
  Xi noted that maintaining and developing good relations between the two countries is China’s unwavering policy. Under the current international circumstances, the two countries shoulder increasingly important responsibilities in safeguarding global stability and promoting development, he said
  Xi made a six-pronged proposal for the two sides in developing their relations: to correctly view each other’s development and enhance strategic mutual trust; to have timely and effective strategic communication, enhance mutual understanding and cooperation, and firmly hold the general direction of bilateral relations; to effectively improve military and security exchanges and cooperation; to deepen pragmatic cooperation and tighten ties based on interests; to enrich cultural and people-to-people exchanges and consolidate the foundation of friendship; to strengthen cooperation in international and regional affairs.
  Modi said that the efforts of India and China, two major ancient civilizations and developing countries, to strengthen communication, coordination and cooperation, and to maintain steady development of bilateral ties bears positive and important significance to both countries and the rest of the world.
  He called on the two countries to take account of each other’s major concerns, properly manage, control and address differences, prevent differences from evolving into disputes, develop a closer partnership, and usher in a new era of India-China relationship.
  India is looking forward to fully utilizing the high-level economic and trade dialogue mechanism to promote a balanced and sustainable development of bilateral trade, said Modi.
  China, Nepal Upgrade Ties
  China and Nepal agreed on October 12 to upgrade their relationship to a strategic partnership of cooperation featuring an everlasting friendship for development and prosperity.   The agreement was made and announced when Chinese President Xi Jinping met with his Nepali counterpart, Bidya Devi Bhandari in Kathmandu.
  Xi called on the two sides to consolidate the political foundation of bilateral ties, and set the building of a community with a shared future as a long-term goal for the development of ChinaNepal relations.
  The Chinese president appreciated Nepal’s firm adherence to the one-China policy, saying that China will as always support Nepal in safeguarding its national independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.
  The two sides should build an all-round cooperation pattern, carry out the construction of a trans-Himalayan connectivity network, and expand exchanges and cooperation in various fields, Xi said.
  Noting that Xi is the first Chinese president to visit Nepal in 23 years, Bhandari said the visit is of historic significance, adding that the two countries’ announcement of establishing a strategic partnership of cooperation will consolidate the two countries’ traditional friendship, enrich the contents of bilateral ties, and usher in a new era for the Nepal-China relationship.

  Li Keqiang Holds Talks with Prime Minister Imran Khan of Pakistan
  On October 8, 2019, Premier Li Keqiang held talks with Prime Minister Imran Khan of Pakistan, who was in China for the closing ceremony of the International Horticultural Exhibition 2019 Beijing and for a working visit, at the Great Hall of the People.
  Li Keqiang pointed out that the China-Pakistan cooperation is not only in line with both countries’ interests, but also beneficial to regional peace and stability. He added, “We are ready to work with the Pakistani side to seek greater synergy of development strategies, continue to promote the high-quality development of the ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), strengthen cooperation in fields such as infrastructure, economy, trade, finance, and industrial capacity, take strong measures to facilitate a more balanced development of bilateral trade, expand the export of competitive
  Pakistani products to China via the protocol to the second phase of the China-Pakistan free trade agreement, and protect the safety of Chinese institutions and personnel in Pakistan in a bid to promote mutual benefit, win-win results, and common development.
  Imran Khan reaffirmed that the Pakistani side stands ready to work with the Chinese side to accelerate the joint building of the Belt and Road Initiative.
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