Functional delivery vehicle of organic nanoparticles in inorganic crystals

来源 :中国化学快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dong770527
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Encapsulation of bioactive substances for extended shelf life and controlled, targeted release is critical for their applications in food and drug delivery. Here, a new method has been developed to encapsulate bioactive molecules in the crystal composites, showing greatly enhanced stability and unique pH-triggered response. Chlorophyll, a model bioactive, is first loaded in shellac nanoparticles via co-precipitation with a high encapsulation efficiency, and then the chlorophyll-loaded nanoparticles are incorporated into calcite crystals grown from a gel media containing the nanoparticles. Under the protection of shellac nanoparticles and calcite crystals, chlorophyll shows excellent stability even under light. Encapsulated chlorophyll could only be released by first dissolving the calcite crystals under acidic condition and then dissolving the shellac nanoparticles under alkaline condition. The unique pH-triggered release mimics the pH change from acidic in the stomach to alkaline in the intestine and is thus well suited for controlled, targeted intestinal release. This work suggests that the crystal composites are an ideal delivery vehicle for the functional design of bioactive molecules.
上个星期天,我从爸爸妈妈口中得知,我的老家要被拆了。  因为我家后面要修一条大路,为了拓宽道路,所以,我家的房子必须拆除,而且时间紧迫,下个星期三就得搬,只给三天时间。爸爸妈妈一得到这个消息便忙开了。  爸爸带着好几箱酒,妈妈带着一大包衣服,一起把东西往新房子搬。过了好大一会儿,爸爸妈妈回来了,然后,又整理了一些衣物继续搬运。就这样,爸爸妈妈每天都跑来跑去,家里的小物件终于被搬完了。可还有一些“大
王淑芬,台湾作家,毕业于台湾师范大学,曾担任《童诗之旅》节目主持人。代表作有:《小四的烦恼》《二年仔孙悟空》《我是白痴》等。  做法:  (1) 带领人先展示两本书:一本是“现在正在读的书”,一本是截止目前自己最爱的书。(这两本书不一定是童书。)  (2) 每个孩子可以针对这两本书问带领人一个问题。  (3) 最后带领人简单归纳自己对这两本书的心得。  (4) 请孩子回家采访爸妈,完成调查表。(见
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